Chapter 15

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Your POV

"Brad stop it!" I could hear Lauren's voice echo throughout the hallway of her house. "I'm serious!" She yelled and I quietly walked up the stairs.

"Oh come on Lauren." He replied sounding annoyed. "I've been sitting through this stupid double date all night."

"Camila and Y/N are downstairs." The brunette countered. "I'm not doing this right now."

"You told me dinner! You didn't tell me ice cream and a movie too!" Brad raised his voice a little.

"Keep it down." Lauren warned her voice a tone I've never heard from her before.

I shouldn't be listening to them argue like this. I mean over hearing them would be one thing but moving to hear them better was way out of line. I shouldn't be doing this, it's an invasion of their privacy.

I quietly decided to head back down the stairs and find Camila before anyone caught me listening to the argument between the couple upstairs. She was sat in the living room smiling at her phone as she does pretty often lately.

"Is that Shawn?" I ask sitting down next to her with a grin.

"Maybe." She smiles a little herself before putting her phone away.

"Where were you?" She questioned after a moment.

"Bathroom." I shrugged leaning back into the couch. It wasn't a lie, I just got caught up eves dropping on the way back.

Lauren then walked into the room and flopped down onto a couch across the room. She didn't say anything just picked up the remote and turned on the tv. Camila met my gaze and I could tell she was wondering the same thing I was, what was going on?

After a couple minutes Brad walked into the room and sat down next to her. She didn't look at him just continued flipping through channels as he wrapped an arm around her.

"Great show girls!" The guy I just learned was named Will said as the girls all walked off stage.

"Thank you." They all smiled and grabbed water bottles.

"Can we talk to them now?!?" Emily asked as she was stood next to me with Sofi.

"I don't see why not." I shrugged and they younger girls ran toward the five singers.

I smiled as Emily jumped in Dinah's arms and gave her a hug. The older girl smiling just as brightly as the younger one. I smiled as Camila walked over greeting me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Great show." I smiled wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Are you driving home tonight or tomorrow?" She questioned after a couple minutes.

"Tomorrow, I just have to be home for my game tomorrow night." I answered. "Why?"

"Shawn was going to stop by the hotel tomorrow to catch up." She stated. "I was thinking maybe we can kick things up a notch."

"Sure thing baby." I giggled pulling her closer and kissing her cheek.

"You can stay at the hotel with us if you like." Camila suggested giggling a little as I let my hand rest on her side.

Number 14 (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now