Chapter Nine

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Alex's POV:

Today Niall and I are moving into our new house.

When we broke the news to my mum and dad, they were pretty upset.

"We knew this day would come. It's just hard to let you go, since we just got you in our lives only a few years ago." Mum cried.

"You're not letting me go, mum. I'm only moving down the street." I chuckled sadly.

"I know, I know! But you're always going to be our wonderful daughter, no matter where you are. We love you, have us over soon." Mum kissed me forhead and I gave her a hug, then dad and Lea.

Niall helped me carry my bags out the door and place them in the trunk of his range rover.

We drove to the new house in silence, neither one of us saying a word. The only sound that could be hear was the faint music playing from the radio. It wasn't a bad silence, just a peaceful one.

The car pulled into the driveway and Niall and I piled out, grabbing some bags and marching up the path that led to the front door. Niall unlocked the door and we got inside.

Niall and I had completed the furniture shopping, and we had everything we bought delivered right away, so the house was all set.

"Let's watch some TV, just relax?" Niall looked at me and smiled.

"There's a good idea." I smiled back.

"Grab some snacks!" I hollored to Niall who walked into the kitchen.

He came back out carrying bags of chips and some soda. He placed everything down on the coffee table in front of us and opened a soda for himself.

"Before we watch TV... Can we talk about this?" I asked, rubbing my stomach.

Niall let out a long, sad sigh.

"You know what the doctor said. We just have to hope for the best." He looked at me sadly.

"I'm sorry... But I'm afraid..."

"What? What's wrong?!" Niall panicked.

"I'm afriad you have a tumor growing in your stomach... Alex, you have stomach cancer." The doctor said sadly.

"What's going to happen?" I asked.

"You'll have to get surgery to remove the tumor." The doctor stated simply.

"What does that mean for the baby...?" I asked cautiously.

"I'm sorry... But there's no chance of your baby surviving. I am truly sorry."

That was enough for both Niall and I to breakdown.


Out of all ways for God to punish me... He chose cancer?

"How could this happen? No one in your family had cancer, so how come you got it?" Niall gave me a pained look.

"Actually..." I gulped.

"....What?" Niall looked at me, searching my facial features for an answer.

I swallowed my fear and told him the truth.

"My real dad was diagnosed with cancer, before the accident..." My voice came out shaky and weak.

"Oh." was all Niall said.

"I'm sorry I never told you, I just never thought it'd be important."

"It's fine, love. It's just really unfortunate this happened." Niall sighed, running his hand through his gelled hair.

"We can always try again. After my surgery or later on." I shrugged.

"We can. And we will. Right now, my main focus is on keeping you alive. So when the time comes, I'll be by your side when they give you your surgery. I love you, and I know you'll beat this stupid illness that is cancer." Niall carressed my cheek.

"I love you too, thank you." I placed a gentle kiss to his lips.

"Now, time to relax and watch some TV."


I woke up the next morning in Niall's strong arms.I departed from his comfort and went to roll over, only to fall on the floor.

Oh, right... We didn't make it upstairs to bed last night, we just slept on the couch.

Groaning. I stood up and walked to the kitchen.

I put some water in the kettle and turned it on, then got some hot chocolate powder from the cupboard, along with my favourite coffee mug.

I poured some hot chocolate mix into my cup, then added some hot water and milk.

Taking a seat at the small bar, I took out my phone to scroll through Twitter.

There were many ariticles about Justin Bieber's new song, Demi Lovato dyeing her hair blue, ect.

One article caught my eye. It was written by the same people who wrote the article about Niall and I possibly getting back together a while back. The title was "Horan couple leaving Dr's in tears."

I'm not even a Horan yet.

I read the article which included photos of Niall and leaving the doctors with tears in our eyes.

Of course we were crying, we just found out our baby was going to die and it was all because I got cancer. Mother of the year right here.

I should have gone to the doctors sooner, so we could have stopped the cancer sooner.

I was about to turn off my phone when I recieved a text from an unknown number.

"Hey, is this Alex?" the text said.

I replied with a "Yup" and asked who it was texting me.

From unknown:

It's EveLynn! Just wanted to say hi! How are you?

Oh wow! EveLynn! What a surprise.

I added her number to my contacts then sent her another text.

To EveLynn:

Hey! I doing good, Niall and I just moved into our new house! How are things for you?

No point in including my cancer, since that'll be gone soon. Or my pregnancy... Cause that'll be gone soon to...


"Mother fu-"

I turned around and slapped the person in the arm.

"Ouch." Niall whined.

"You asked for it!" I pointed my finger at him.

"Sorry, I'm just getting in the Halloween spirit." Niall winked.

"Right... It's Halloween. You better run down the store and get some candy for the Trick or Treaters." I took a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Why me?" Niall asked, making a pouty face.

"Why you?" I said slowly, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Because I am pregnant, and in pain. You want to try having cancer and being pregnant at the same time? Huh? Do ya? Didn't think so." I snapped.

Niall and I stared at each other for a moment then burst into a fit of laughter.

"Alright. I'll be back in a bit, babe" Niall kissed my cheek then left.

(A/N): I'm so so sorry.

I put this together in like 10 minutes. I know it's not good but sorry.

I'm recovering from my recent suicide attempt.


You heard me.

I tried to kill myself. I took a bunch of pills and guys to be honest while I was.. Idk passing out it made me realize how much if miss if I left.

So for anyone suicidal or who thinks they want to give up, it's not the right choice. It was the most terrifying moment of my life. Please don't ever try to take your life. There's no coming back, you're just gone.

I have no idea when I'll be updating next. So, sorry.



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