Chapter Twenty-Six

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(A/N): hello my pretty people! I'm sorry I took/take so long to update. I truly am! I've just got so much on my plate that it's hard to focus. I hope you can understand!

Also, after you finish reading, tweet me @CorrinaWalsh so I can ask for your Wattpad user and follow yoooou!

Don't forget to check out my new O2L fan fiction called "Head In The Clouds" ! I'll follow you if you read, vote and comment 😏.

Lots of love,

- Corrina.

*warning; contains foul language."

Liam's POV:

I was at home, sitting on the couch waiting for Danielle to get back from the supermarket. I had to tell her that I was leaving for tour, and I was so nervous. My heart is not ready to leave her behind. What if she wants to break up because shes tired of me leaving her for my career? Or what if she cheats on me while I'm away? Okay, I doubt that last scenario, but theres still a very good chance she'll break up with me.

My knee bounced nervously as I awaited her arrival. I'm so unprepared, What do I say? How do I say it?

My thoughts were interupted by a knock on the door. I groaned and stood up, walking to the front door. I swung the door open to reveal a tired looking Niall and Alex.

"Well, well... Look at the newly weds!" I said, partially sarcastic.

"Are you mad?" Alex asked nervously, looking at me.

"Not at you." I gave her a soft look. "If anyone, it's this one." I pointed at Niall.

"Me? Why are you mad at me?" Niall pointed at his chest and creased his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes and looked passed them to see if Danielle was home yet. She wasn't, of course. I ushered the two inside then closed the door. Alex took a seat on the couch and put her head in her hands. Niall went and sat beside her to rub her back. I sat on the couch across from them. I stared at Niall, dead in the eyes.

Why am I pissed at him? Because he went and married Alex right before we're leaving for tour. Now she's going to be all alone in their big house with no husband around. Not to mention shes pregnant! She's going to need all the help she can get over the next nine months, but she won't be getting it from her husband. Nope, he'll be gone to a completely different country while she carries and delivers his baby! He should have been more responsible with his timing! He knew damn well there would be a chance of us going on tour soon, yet he still wasn't careful.

"So, please inlighten us with as to why you're pissed off at me?" Niall looked at me.

"Niall, don't be rude. Please," Alex spoke quietly.

"I'm not being rude, I just want to know why he's mad at me." Niall explained, looking at Alex then back to me. He raised an eyebrow, awaiting my answer.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Alex muttered, getting up and walking to the bathroom.

"Well for one thing, you didn't show up at rehearsals-"

"You know I don't want to be there or go on this tour." Niall cut me off. Does he even hear himself?

"You think any of us do!? Things are just getting good with Danielle and I! Zayn and Perrie are expecting a baby! Louis and Eleanor have Lea, and Lea is at the age where she'll recognize when her father is absent. And apparently Harry and Kassity are doing good in bed!" Niall made a disturbed face.

"None of us are very excited, but we owe this to our fans. This is what we signed up for the day we became One Direction." I said, trying to quote Louis.

"This just isn't fair." Niall shook his head. By now I was boiling with anger, I was ready to hit him.

"You're being so selfish. How do you think Alex is going to feel now that's she's married but you won't be around? She was probably expecting to settle down after getting married, not have her husband go off on tour! And you shouldn't have tried to have a child when you knew we could be leaving for tour any day!" I shouted.

"Quiet down, I haven't told her yet." Niall put his hands up. I clenched my jaw and stood up.

"And you didn't even have the nerve to tell her you're leaving?! That's fucked up, man." I shook my head in disgust. I faintly heard a thud; I guess Alex dropped something. But I was too angry to ask her what.

"I am so pissed at you for doing this to my best friend. You do not deserve her," I shook my head.

"I didn't do anything wrong! You're overreacting. I love Alex with all my heart, and I want to live my life with her." Niall stood up as well.

"Then stop being a selfish asshole! Man the fuck up and tell your wife you're leaving, make a plan with her so she's not alone when you're gone! Fuck man, she's going to deliver your child and you're not even going to be there for it. And honestly, I want to punch you right in your obnoxious face because of that."

"You know what? Fuck you. I don't have to take this bullshit from you." Niall pointed a harsh finger at me.

"You're just pissed off 'cause you know I'm telling the truth!" I chuckled.

"No, I'm pissed off 'cause you're digging your way into my life because you have nothing going on in yours."

"That's bullshit," I said weakly. Maybe he's right.

"Whatever, man." Niall shook his head, walking away from me. He went to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Alex, love, are you almost ready?" He asked to the door. He looked confused when there was no answer.

"Alex?" He knocked again.

I felt nervousness build up in my stomach as I walked towards the bathroom.

"Alex?!" Niall was now frantically smacking on the door, trying to open it.

"Alex? Is everything alright?" I said loudly. No answer.

"Alex!" Niall screamed.

"Do you have a key to get in?!" Niall asked me.

"No," I shook my head. By now I was freaking out as well.

Niall pounded and pounded on the door, but it didn't open. I shoved him aside and slammed my shoulder against the door, opening it up. Laying on the floor in front of me was an unconscious Alex and a broken vase.

"Alex!" Niall screamed and rushed to her side. I stood there stunned, not a clue how to react.

"Call 9-1-1!" Niall shouted at me.

I struggled to find my phone, but once I found it I fumbled with it and nervously dialled 9-1-1.

An ambulance showed up within 5 minutes, and they burst through the door. They carefully placed Alex on a stretcher, and quickly moved her out to the ambulance. Niall, in tears, rushed behind them and got into the back of the ambulance with Alex.

He gave me one last look as the paramedics closed the doors and drove off. I collapsed on my front porch and silently sobbed to myself.

I don't want to leave with this.

(A/N): short and shitty, short and shitty. But made with love for those who are with me. (Tried to make a rhyme, sorry)

Thank you so much for your patience and love. I will try to update again soon! I love you all so so much (no creepsta)

- Corrina is still sorry <3

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