Chapter Twenty

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Niall's POV:

Alex and I drove to the grocery store, jamming out whatever was playing on the radio. That's what I love about our relationship, we've always been able to be ourselves and just have fun.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I handed Alex a pair of my Ray Bands. She took them, giving me a confused look but realizing what I meant seconds later. We both slipped on our sunglasses and pulled up or hoods, then got out of the car. We intertwined our fingers and walked into the store.

"What do we need?" I asked, holding the door opened for Alex.

"Uuhh..." Alex hummed, fumbling with the piece of paper in her hand.

"Lettuce, orange juice since you drank the rest at breakfast," Alex gave me a glare. "And eggs,some pop and ice cream." She said the last part with an adorable little smirk.

"Why is ice cream so important?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Why is that even a question? I'm pregnant... Mama needs ice cream." Alex licked her lips, placing her free hand on her growing tummy.

"Sounds good. Where to start?" I nodded my head, smiling down at her.

"Start with the lettuce." Alex shrugged her shoulders.

We walked over to the veggie isle, staring at all the leafy greens in front of us.

"This looks good." I picked up a ball of lettuce, going to put it in the cart.

"No," Alex swatted my hand. "It's rotting." She cringed.

I looked at it carefully. I don't really see anything rotting...

"Are you sure?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah! The ends are brown." She eyed the green ball suspiciously.

I chuckled and put it back.

"You do it then," I gestures my hand towards her options of lettuce. "Clearly I'm not good at this."

Alex stuck her tongue out at me then leaned over to examine each and every ball of lettuce. She finally picked one up, bringing it close to her face. She bit her lip and cautiously put the supposedly good lettuce in the cart.

"Now let's get some eggs." Alex rubbed her hands together.

I pushed the cart in front of me, stating at Alex's gorgeous features as I did so. I started to feel as though I was falling under a trance... But that ended quickly the cart came to an abrupt stop. The handle pushed into my stomach, knocking the wind out of me while the front of the cart knocked over a pile of stacked cans.

"Niall? Uh-I-I mean babe... Are you okay?" Alex tried not to laugh.

People started crowding around, staring at me as I bent over clutching my now sore stomach. I noticed that Alex began to blush at all the stares. How adorable...

"I'm fine. Glad it was me and not you." I let out a chuckle which sadly, really hurt.

"Good job on not drawing attention to us." Alex snickered.

"Hey, it's your fault for distracting me." I teased.

"What did I do?" Alex asked as we continued to walk.

"Your beauty distracted me." I grinned.

"What beauty?" I'm heard her mumble.

"Here," she quickly handed me a carton of eggs. "Put them in carefully." She sent me a glare.

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