Chapter Eleven

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Harry's POV:

I woke up in an unfamiliar area, with an aching pain in my head.

Slowly and cautiously, I sat up and looked around the foreign area.

Was I roofied and taken to some crazy fans house?

Where am I?

A gentle knock on the door startled me and I covered myself in the sheets, as if that'd help me.

The door creaked open and a wary looking Alex walked in.

"Morning Harry. How's your head?" She sat down at the end of the bed.

"In all honesty, it feels like an elephant stomped on it." I rubbed my forehead with my hand.

Alex chuckled lightly and handed me a cup of orange juice and an Advil.

"Whenever you're ready, breakfast is downstairs." Alex gave my knee a quick pat.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a hug. She stumbled and tensed in my arms, but eventually rubbed my back gently.

"I've missed you." I smiled at her as we pulled apart.

"You to, weirdo. Where's Kass?"

"Uh... We kind of got in a fight last night." I spoke quietly, looking down at my lap.

"Tell me about it at breakfast. I'll meet you down there." Alex sighed, turning and walking out of the room.


After about fifteen minutes, I finally joined Alex and Niall at the breakfast table. They were already digging in to the delicious looking pancakes.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Niall greeted me.

"Morning Goldielocks." I retorted.

"You just got burned." Alex laughed at Niall.

Niall didn't say a word, just continued to eat his breakfast.

"Here, take a seat Harry." Alex pulled out a chair beside her.

I took a seat and grabbed a plate, placing two pancakes on it and drowning them in syrup. I took a bite and just oh my.

"These are delicious. Just like mommy used to make." I chuckled, smiling at Alex.

"Thank you." Alex smiled.

After breakfast, we all took a seat on the couch in their living room.

I was about to start a conversation, when all of a sudden mine and Niall's phone went off.

"Please don't be work calling." Niall prayed.

Please be Kassity.

I checked the caller ID to see that it was in fact work calling.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Harry. Where are you?" Paul's voice boomed in my ear.

"Niall's place. Why?"

"You're supposed to be at the book signing. Didn't Zayn tell you?"

"No." I stated simply.

"Okay, well, get your ass down to the library on Gabriel street. See you then." He then hung up on me.

I looked at Niall who looked upset.

"I'll see you after. We got to run." Niall kissed Alex then we took off.

"I feel bad leaving her so suddenly." I frowned.

"I feel bad leaving her in general." Niall tightened his grip on the steering wheel as we drove down the road.

Alex's POV:

I didn't move from my spot on the couch.

What do I do now? I'm all alone.

Maybe I can go unpack some boxes in the basement...

...That's what girls do, right?

I stood from my seat and walked down the stairs to the basement.

Looking around the rooms, I decided to start decorating the arcade room with posters.

"Posters, posters... Where are the posters?" I sang to myself.


Ding ding, genius.

I ran towards the closet and started to climb the shelves.

Poster box is on the very top, just my luck!

Finally, I came face to face with the big box of posters. I grabbed a hold of the box, but right when I did, the shelf holding me up snapped!

I hit my chin and nose off the top shelf, then fell towards the ground where I landed on a steel box, right on the corner of it. The side of my stomach was the part that mostly hit the corner.

My chin and nose were bleeding slowly, and hurt terribly bad.

I'm such a klutz.

I stood up to walk upstairs, only to have an extremely sharp pain shoot through my stomach, causing me to scream at the top of my lungs.

I fell to the ground once again, clutching my stomach. I tried to stand up but couldn't do it.

"Oh god." I cried to myself.

I felt my pockets to see if I had my phone, but I didn't.

I cursed under my breath and very slowly, made my way to the stairs.


By the time I made it to the kitchen, I had stained my shirt terribly. Not just a tiny stain, but a massive one. Almost the size of a kitten.

I reached desperately for the phone and dialed 9-1-1.

"Hello, 9-1-1 dispatch speaking, how may I help you?" (A/N: idfk)

"I need ambulance. I have a tumor in my stomach and I think I just did something to it. Please help." I said, inhaling a breath often.

"Help is on the way. Please stay on the line with me until they arrive." The woman on the phone said.

"I... I can't."

Those were my last words before completely losing consciousness.

Niall's POV: (a/n: I'm just aimlessly switching POV's)

"Thanks for coming!" I smiled up at a group of girls.

"We love you!" A girl cried.

"Love you to." I mumbled.

I really just want to be home with my fiancé.

"Are we almost done?" I whispered to Paul.

"No. Two more hours!" He smiled a fake cheery smile.

I cursed under my breath and smiled at the girl in front of me.

The sound of a chair screeching caught my attention. I looked over and saw Louis running towards the back door.

That's weird...

I turned my attention back to the girl.

As I signed her book, my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket and read the caller ID.

Unknown number...

What if it's a fan?

Or what if it's something important?

Worth the risk.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hello, is this Mr. Horan?" A woman's voice rang through my ear.

"Yes. Who is this?"

"This is the London Hospital calling. We have your partner, Alex Tomlinson, in intensive care, we are prepping her for surgery. Her mother requested you come."

"Oh my god." I gasped.

I dropped my marker and ran to te back door, my heart beating a mile a minute.

She better be okay.

(A/N): short but some shits going down..

I have a few questions for y'all...

1) I've been thinking about writing a Jc Caylen fan fiction, what do you think ? Should I? :3

2) where do you guys live? Like what province or country? Maybe I live near ya.

Okay so yeah..

Thank you for reading! Love y'all! (No creepsta)

- Corrina

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