5- Photo Deals

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Chapter Five:

Photo Deals:

After school, I picked up Alice from Maddy’s house. Ashley, Maddy’s mom, said that Maddy could come over for a little bit since her grandma was taking a nap. Garrett wasn’t home. He usually wasn’t after school. He was always at basketball or hanging with his friends or something. I think today he was just hiding from his grandmother.

Maddy had Sam and Alex in each hand and Alice had Barbie and Ken like usual. Once I had the door unlocked, they were racing upstairs to start playing. It’s amazing how little plastic dolls can keep two kids entertained for so long.

I turned on my laptop, and while it was starting up, I found some graham crackers and started spreading peanut butter over them. I don’t know why, but I was suddenly craving the smooth creaminess that was peanut butter.

I opened up my iTunes when my laptop was finished booting up all the way and started playing some random music.

As I sang along badly to my songs, I did my homework. I figured I would do it now while I didn’t have an excuse not to.

To prevent myself from getting bored, I alternated doing my math homework and dancing around making peanut butter graham crackers.

So I didn’t feel like a fatty, I had left the peanut butter and box of crackers in the kitchen. I was sitting in the living room doing my homework. So every time I wanted more food, I turned up my music and danced my way to the kitchen to refill my plate.

This was how I usually entertained myself when Quinn was working.

Once my homework was finished, I hooked up my camera to my laptop to take off the swimming pictures. I was going to run them over on a flash drive for Garrett tonight. Or at least that was my plan.

I sorted the pictures in the proper folders after naming them all ‘swimming’ with the date next to it.

Once I was finished organising them, I opened up the ‘Garrett’ folder and started examining the photos. I vaguely remembered where I had last given him photos and looked at all the ones after it.

I stared at the photos in attempts to figure out which ones he wanted. I hadn’t given him any for a long time so there were a lot of new ones.

The first photo I put on was of him and Maddy, the one he had told me he liked the other day. After that I was stuck.

I backed out of Garrett’s folder and went into Maddy’s. I selected a bunch of photos of her and put them onto the flash drive. Her photos were easier to pick out because I liked the same ones of her that Garrett did.

I put on some photos of Kyle. I just did all the new ones I had, I didn’t take many of him because I didn’t see him as often as his siblings.

But then I was stuck in Garrett’s folder again. I never knew what ones to give them unless he told me because I tended to like the ones of Garrett being cute, like how he is with Maddy or Alice. I liked that side of Garrett, the caring sweet big brother he was and hid. And Garrett tended to want the ones that made him look cool so he could put them on his Facebook. I thought the ones were he looked ‘cool’ were stupid.

It was hard giving pictures to a guy with split personalities when I was well acquainted with both. Most times he only wanted the ‘cool’ ones, and sometimes he went to the adorable ones that had Maddy and himself in them.

I put my laptop down and went to the bathroom. When I came back Garrett was sitting on the couch, my laptop resting comfortably on his lap and his feet up on the coffee table like he owned the place.

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