32- Recounted Stories

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Okay, just before you read this. I have no clue if this chapter makes sense at all. I wrote it one night when I was half asleep, and then edited it another night when I was also half asleep, so there is a great chance that it makes no sense at all. Please let me know if it does or doesnt make sense or comment with ideas of how I could make it better, 


Chapter Thirty Two:

Recounted Stories:

After Garrett finished removing as much glass from my back as he could, he ordered me to have a hot bath to get the last of the glass out. I tried to stall because we hadn’t heard from my parents, but Garrett pointed out that me standing around wouldn’t make them come home any faster.

I wanted to call them, but again Garrett brought up another good point. Things were probably chaotic enough over at the Connors’ without them having to rush for the phone. Besides, I wasn’t dying. I would survive until they got home anyways.

The hot water of my bath stung my cuts at first, but after a while it started to feel good. As per Garrett’s orders, I stayed in the bath until my fingers resembled prunes. I thought it was annoying and a waste of time especially when I had a whole house to clean up, but Garrett threatened to hold me in the tub himself if I stayed in less than half an hour. So I opted to just be a good girl and do as he said.

Garrett had gone to get me fresh clothes before my bath (which had been more than a little weird), so I changed into those instead of my cut and ripped shirt from before. Garrett had also left my crutches leaning against the wall so I could move more easily. He had cleaned up the fallen items from the bathroom floor before letting me have my bath so I wouldn’t be tripping over them afterwards. He had thought of everything.

I crutched to the door and opened it awkwardly, allowing me into the hallway. I maneuvered down the hallway, careful of the shattered glass, smashed frames, and slick photos covering the floor.

“Pigtails, stop moving,” Garrett ordered as he came out of…my room?

“What were you doing in there?” I asked him as I stopped in front of him. Not because he told me to, but because I wanted to talk to him and it would be weird to do that while continuing down the hallway.

“Oh I was just cleaning up a bit,” Garrett said glancing behind him distractedly. His head whipped back to me and he smiled sheepishly. “Um, I hope you don’t mind. But I knew you wouldn’t really be able to do it and I didn’t want you falling on anything, so I just thought-” Garrett rambled.

“Gare, it’s fine really,” I assured him. I shook my head and smiled at his nervousness.

His eyes snapped to mine and I realized I had called him ‘Gare’. I don’t know if we were back to being friends, or if this morning was a onetime thing because he happened to be here when the earthquake hit and he thought it was his responsibility to look after me since I was injured.

My lips formed a small ‘o’ and then I smiled shyly. I sucked my lips into my mouth with nervousness as I looked up at him. I didn’t know how he would respond to that. I know he had been calling me ‘Pigtails’ since he came into my room earlier, but he was being really unpredictable right now.

A large smile spread its way across Garrett’s face. For a moment we both just stared at each other.

“Let’s get you downstairs, I already cleaned up the living room,” Garrett said.

“You didn’t have to do that, any of this,” I told him.

Garrett raised an eyebrow at me and then pointedly looked down at my broken leg.

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