7- He Loves Me Not

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Dedicated to my friend wackytapper for actually screaming out 'bus!' everytime we are waiting for one.

Chapter Seven:

He Loves Me Not:

In the morning I reread my texts to make sure I hadn’t dreamt them up last night. But luckily I didn’t, the proof was all there.

After I had sent that text to Garrett last night, he had responded with ‘I just wanted to end the date properly’.

To that I had replied, ‘And what would make you think I would want to date you?’

The last text was the one that made everything better, ‘That’s mean Pigtails :P. I was finishing our friendly outing like Alice thought they ended. No harm done. I know you miss me already, but lets talk tomorrow. Good night. :D’

I had texted back a ‘good night’ as well and that’s where our conversation ended. But at least I knew now that Garrett didn’t actually think last night was a date. It meant things wouldn’t be awkward between us at all of today.

“Gare!” I called as I locked the door behind me. Garrett turned from where he was just a couple houses down. He saw me and waved.

I jogged to catch up with him as he waited patiently.

“What’s new Piggytails?” Garrett said as soon as I was by his side.

I shot him a weird look but didn’t comment on his weirder version of my already weird nickname.

“Well since the last time I saw you, all that’s new is that I slept,” I told him seriously.

“Some exciting life you got there.”

“Did you do anything different?” I shot back.

“Nope.” He casually slung his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into a side hug. “I guess we have the same type of life then.”

“And what would that be? Boring?”

“You know it!”

I rolled my eyes and stepped away from him, forcing his arm to drop away from me.

“So about last night…” Garrett trailed off at the end. I looked at him expectantly. This was where he made fun of me for something, I just knew it. “It’s awesome that I can scare you so bad with a little kiss,” he teased.

I laughed slightly and rammed my shoulder into his playfully. “Yeah you’re lips are just so scary that I was trembling in fear!”

“I am not scary,” Garrett stated. “You are just such a girl.”

“And how am I such a girl?”

“You over reacted to a little kiss,” he teased.

Okay that was true, but I wasn’t going to agree with him. And I hadn’t been freaking out about the kiss, only the fact that I thought maybe he thought of me as more than a friend. But I wasn’t about to tell him that part either.

“Of course I did! You gave me cooties!” I joked.

“Aw, is Pigtails scared of wittle cooties?” Garrett cooed reaching his hands out to tickle my stomach. I swatted his hands away and danced away from him so he wouldn’t get any closer.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I questioned. Garrett shrugged and held his hands up in surrender.

I eyed him warily, but I settled back into step next to him nonetheless.

“What do cooties do anyways?” Garrett asked. “I remember I was afraid of them, but I don’t know why.” His face scrunched up in thought much like Maddy’s always did.

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