14- Mysterious Clowns

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Chapter Fourteen:

Mysterious Clowns:

School today, was just as terrible as school yesterday. Quinn ignored me through the one class we had together, and if we ran into each other at any other time, she would pointedly look away from me. It was driving me insane! This person was my best friend and she was acting like she hated me just because of a couple pictures she saw. She didn’t even know about the kisses, or the fact that Garrett pretty much lived at my house.

Garrett offered to come hang out with me at lunch again, but I turned him down. Hanging out with him more than usual was not going to help the situation I was in at all.

So I sat with Beth, Tori and Karen again. And like yesterday, all they wanted to talk about was Garrett and I. After a lot of convincing, I got them to stop eventually.

But since they couldn’t talk about Garrett, they kind of just excluded me from the conversation. I didn’t mind because I found it fun to watch the three of them talk over each other, yet still understand everything that was being said. It was quite comical.

But I couldn’t help but feel a little lonely. Here I was in this tight knit group of best friends who knew the multiple hidden meanings to each of their words, and I was just the outsider privileged enough to look in on it all. I couldn’t help but miss my best friend.

“Heard you’ve been quiet and grouchy all day,” Garrett commented as he once again took Beth’s seat in science.

“And how would you know that? There more rumours?” I snapped proving his point.

Garrett chuckled and bumped his shoulder against mine. “Is it a crime that I care about you so I get updates every once in a while?”

“Updates? From whom?” I demanded.

“Oh, you know. Whoever has class with you,” Garrett said waving his hand dismissively.

“What? For how long?”

Garrett shrugged. “Only since yesterday,” he said.

“Gare! That’s creepy!” I said a little loudly. The people around us looked over, and I clamped my hand over my mouth. School Garrett and I were supposed to not be acquainted. Which means we weren’t supposed to have nicknames for each other.

“What? I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay,” he defended putting his hands up in innocence.

“By asking your idiot friends to spy on me?” I saw his happy face and decided that I was going to tear him down. He was only doing this because he was worried about me. He was just being sweet. “You should have at least told me,” I muttered.

“Sorry, but I’m telling you now,” he said with a goofy grin.

I just stuck my tongue out at him.

“So why have you been all quiet and stuff?” Garrett asked.

I gave him a long stare. Was he being serious right now? “Gare, my best friend is mad at me because of a picture and she won't let me explain. And you won't take down the picture!”

“Whoa, Pigtails, I-”

At the head of the class, our teacher called attention, drawing our discussion to a close. For now at least.

“Pigtails! Wait up!” Garrett called from behind me. The couple of people close by looked over at him and I ground my teeth together. What part of I didn’t want the attention, didn’t he understand? But at least we were on the street and not many people walked home in our direction. Only three or four.

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