38- The Talk

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Chapter Thirty Eight:

The Talk:

“You’re already heading back over?” Mom asked as I headed towards the door. We had finished eating maybe ten minutes ago.

“Uh, yeah,” I said, a bit unsure.

“You’re not going to stay for a bit? I could put a movie in or we can play monopoly or something, you don’t have to go back over to the Connors’ right away,” Mom pleaded.

“Well I have-”

“Do you have homework?” Dad asked.

“No.” Garrett and I had finished our homework together earlier. I was surprised that he wasn’t procrastinating, but he said that he only wanted to get it done because it would mean that nothing could stop me from talking to him tonight, or again in the morning.

It had taken longer than usual to do my homework because Garrett kept distracting me, but we had both gotten it done eventually.

“Then there’s no reason you can’t stay!” Dad said triumphantly and with finality


“No buts, Bridget,” Mom chastised.

“You’re our daughter and we haven’t seen you much the last couple of days! You shouldn’t be trying to get out of this!” Dad added.

“I promised Garrett that-”

“You’ll see him later when you get back,” Dad decided. “No reason you can’t spend some time with us now.”

“Um,” I glanced back at the door. Garrett had said after I get back, not after dinner, he wasn’t specific... And if I didn’t go back right now he would have no reason to get mad at me...

“Alright, I’ll just talk to him later,” I said.

“So you’re staying longer?” Alice asked, her eyes glimmering with excitement.

“I guess I am.”

I couldn’t help but hum the Circle of Life. I was quiet about as it was after ten, and I didn’t know if Maddy was a light sleeper or not. At home I had played a game of Monopoly with my family, and then we watched the Lion King.

Even after Alice fell asleep part way through it we continued to watch it. I don’t care if it was a Disney movie, so technically for kids, but it’s Hamlet! People of all ages can watch it. And besides, who doesn’t like the Lion King?

I gentle pushed open the door of the Connors’ house. I slipped the key back into my pocket and crutched in, still humming the Circle of Life. I closed the door softly behind me and slipped off my shoes. I started crutching to the stairs when a voice called out to me.

“Hey, you’re back later than I expected,” Ashley said as I passed the opening to the living room.

“Yeah my parents wanted to spend some more time with me,” I said with a shrug, pausing in the doorway. “Hi Will,” I added, noticing he was on the couch next to Ashley.

“Hi sweetheart,” he said with a smile.

“Anything exciting happen here while I was gone?” I asked.

Ashley shrugged. “Nothing exciting, really.”

“Don’t go near Garrett,” Will warned me.

“Um, why not?” I asked. They probably didn’t know that I was supposed to be upstairs talking to Garrett. I had put him off for a couple of hours (even if it wasn’t by my choice) and I wasn’t going to put him off much longer.

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