46- Panicked Phone Calls

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Chapter Forty Six:

Panicked Phone Calls:

Quinn and I talked for an hour or so. We just sat in the grass between the trees and talked about everything and anything. We are girls, we can do that when we feel like it.

“Come on,” Quinn said, standing up. She brushed dirt and grass from her butt and then looked down to me. “I’ll walk you home.”

“You’d just have to walk back, there’s no point,” I said. I clambered to my feet –not very gratefully- and balanced myself in the grass.

Quinn shrugged. “I have to start being a good friend some time. I‘ll start now.”

“Quinn, really it’s fine. You were doing something before I stopped you anyways, it’s fine for you to just go home.”

“Are you sure?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yeah. I’ll be fine. I’ll walk on the road this time instead of the tracks.”

Quinn smiled. “That’s probably a better idea.”

“So I’ll see you later?” I said.

Quinn nodded.  “Yup, defiantly. Bye!” she called out. She stepped out from the tree line and headed to the left a bit more before disappearing between the houses. I headed back the way I had come and searched for a path that would take me back up to the road. I didn’t want to just cut through someone’s yard. Not that I could anyways, there were fences in the way.

I didn’t come across a path again, until I was at the one I had come down in the first place. I went back down it, staying on the train tracks only as long as I needed to, and headed back towards home.

“How was your walk?” Mom asked when I stepped in the door.

“Good. I ran into Quinn and we hung out for a bit.” I didn’t feel like telling her about the train thing. I was still a bit freaked out about it, and I figured Mom didn’t really need to know.

“I thought you said she was working?”

“I thought she was,” I said. “But it turns out she wasn’t.”

“Oh, alright then,” Mom said.

I crutched past her and up the stairs. I had just step foot on the second floor landing, when a small body attached to me.

“I’m so sorry Bridgey! I didn’t know! I didn’t know! I promise!” Alice said into my stomach where her head was buried.

“Alice, what are you talking about?” I asked her. I

“The train,” she whispered. She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. “I didn’t know that would happen!”

“What do you mean ‘the train’?” I asked.

Alice’s eyes clouded over in confusion. “The one that almost hit you. Just a while ago,” she said simply like she was stating the time. “But Quinn saved you.”

“How do you… How’d you know that?” I asked softly. There was no possible way she could know. Only Quinn and I did. Alice couldn’t have possibly heard us talking about it, because we talked about it for two minutes, and we were sitting in the treed area by the tracks.

“I made it happen,” Alice said. Her chin dropped to her chest in shame. “I didn’t know it would actually happen. I’m really sorry.”

“What do you mean you ‘made it happen’?”

Alice looked up at me and cocked her head to the side. “I told you yesterday; I thought you believed me!” Alice’s eyes filled with tears again, but this time they weren’t tears of sorrow, but tears of betrayal.

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