24- Little Sister's Hugs

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This was hard to write as well...so it's not very good. Sorry! This is also my last ready chapter so uploads will be random now unless I write lots. 

Chapter Twenty Four:

Little Sister's Hugs:

I walked home alone that afternoon. My whole afternoon was lonely.

In science Garrett sat next to me, but we didn’t talk much or pass notes like we usually did. He was quiet and barely looked at me, but he did sit next to me, so that had to mean something.

It wasn’t that much different than before Garrett posted those photos that started all this; I never really had many friends. So I stayed quiet and kept to myself all the time. This afternoon was just like that because I didn’t have any friends in my last class and things were awkward with Garrett.

During last block I got a text from him. ‘Hanging with friends after school. See ya later.’ I couldn’t help but feeling disappointed at the vagueness of it. Later could be anytime, and I wanted to make sure things were okay between us.

“Hello, dear,” Ashley greeted me when I went to pick up Alice and Maddy that evening. She smiled broadly at me and I immediately felt bad. Garrett probably hadn’t told her what happened earlier; she didn’t know that I had hurt her son yet.

“Um, hi, Ashley,” I said shyly. She didn’t seem to notice though because she was reading a magazine.

“Where’s Garrett?” Ashley asked putting down the magazine and looking up at me.

“Uh, with his friends,” I said. Ashley picked up on my sadness this time, but she misinterpreted it.

“Aw honey. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to spend time with you. He still has to spend some time with his friends,” Ashley assured me.

“Yeah I know,” I said dejectedly. “I’m going to go get the girls,” I said awkwardly.

“Alright,” Ashley said. “Garrett’ll be over before he even comes home,” she promised. But I wasn’t so sure. Dustin was right, I just needed to give Garrett a little bit to calm down.

Once the girls and I were at my house, they went running upstairs, like usual, to play with their Barbies. It baffles me how little plastic dolls can hold so much entertainment. Alice had found Ken under Maddy’s bed so I didn’t have to deal with any depressed sisters.

I didn’t hear the front door open until quarter to six. It was earlier than Garrett had usually come before we started dating, but later than he had since then.

“Hey,” he said sheepishly as he stepped into the living room. He gave me a soft smile and he looked nervous.

“Hi Gare,” I said happily. He didn’t look as mad and hurt as I expected him to, maybe that meant I was blowing all of this out of proportion.

I stood up and took Garrett’s both of Garrett’s hands. I walked backwards towards the couch, pulling him along.

“Come to collect that kiss now?” I joked.

“Actually, can we talk first?” Garrett asked. He looked even more nervous now than ever.

“Yeah, talk,” I commanded him. I sat on the couch and pulled him next to me. He casually sat where he has collapsed and didn’t try to move closer.

“Well…earlier…” Garrett trailed off and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he started over. “You kissed Dustin,” he stated.

“I’m sorry,” I said quietly. “I didn’t mean to. It just kind of happened.”

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