34- Hectic Mornings

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Chapter Thirty Four:

Hectic Mornings:

 The alarm woke me twenty minutes earlier than it usually did. I had figured out how to use the alarm clock last night and set it earlier than normal because I wanted to make sure I wasn’t disrupting the routines of the Connors’ very much. Even though I was staying here, I didn’t want to make it blatantly obvious.

I showered and changed quickly, leaving my hair to hang wet down my back. I didn’t care about leaving the house, or going to school with wet hair. My hair took too long to dry, and I didn’t particularly like hair dryers.

I was just leaving my temporary room with my schoolbag across my back when Garrett stepped into the hallway from his room, yawning widely and looking a little bleary. His hair was messed up and his clothes were crumpled and disheveled because they were clearly the ones he had slept in.

“Morning Pigtails,” Garrett said, the words leaving his lips almost before he finished yawning. He suddenly looked a whole lot more awake than he had moments ago. And wasn’t just because he was no longer yawning. He just seemed…different.

“Morning,” I said tight lipped and awkwardly. He’d seem cheery enough last night about me staying here, and he was acting normal again, but it was still strange to actually be staying in the same house as him, even if it wasn’t with him.

“Aw, come on? I don’t even get a smile?” Garrett teased. I couldn’t help the grin that spread out across my face. I was one of those people that if someone else said “I bet I can get you to smile,” I was smiling before the end of their sentence.

“There’s the way too perky morning person Piggytails I know,” Garrett cooed.

I shook my head at his ridiculous butcher of my ridiculous nickname, but the smile stayed on my lips.

“I am not too perky,” I argued.

Garrett raised his eyebrow at me for a second, but then he shrugged. “’Kay, whatever you say,” he sang out walking down the hall to the bathroom.

“Wow you just rhymed, you sound like the perky one to me,” I pointed out.

“That was accidently,” Garrett huffed. “You’re still the perky one.”

“And why do you make it sound like being the perky one is just awful?”

“I’m not trying to, I just like annoying you,” Garrett said with a goofy smile.

“Nice to know I’m your source of entertainment,” I said rolling my eyes.

“Both of you, just shut up!” Kyle called from his room. “If you’re going to flirt do it where I’m not trying to sleep!”

My eyes widened at his words and I blushed immediately. Garrett’s smile twisted into a smirk immediately.

“Don’t you have to get ready for school or something?” I asked Garrett, ignoring the blush that stained my cheeks.

“Or something,” Garrett agreed as stepped into the bathroom. I shook my head at the now closed door and headed downstairs to get some breakfast.

“Morning,” I said to Ashley once I reached the kitchen.

“Hello, did you sleep well?” she asked. She was wearing a robe over her fluffy pyjamas and sipping from a mug with a magazine open in front of her.

“Yes, I did. Thanks for letting me stay here,” I said.

“Stop thanking me, you don’t need to,” Ashley said with a smile. I smiled back at her.

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