18- When Parents Come Home

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I wrote this right after I finished the last chapter, so it's kind of like one really long one.

Chapter Eighteen:

When Parents Come Home:

“Garrett, hands and lips where I can see ‘em,” Dad said from behind me. I jumped in surprise and slid off Garrett’s lap to sit next to him innocently. Garrett smiled sheepishly and raised his hands in surrender while puckering his lips in the direction of my dad. I choked back a laugh at his stupid expression.

“Hi Daddy,” I said angelically. Garrett rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything. He also lowered his hands and his lips returned to normal.

“Hey Rob,” Garrett said nodding in my dad’s direction.

Dad was standing on the other side of the room with his arms crossed over his chest and his face all screwed up in attempts to look menacing. It wasn’t quite working for him.

“You’re just lucky I can't hurt you,” Dad growled at Garrett. "Your mother would kill me."

“So what are you doing home so earlier?” I asked getting up from the couch to go give my dad a hug. I figured the more space between Garrett and I right now, the better.

“Mom won't be home until late so I figured I should come home early,” he said. He relaxed into my hug. “I’m glad I came home early.” I could just sense him glaring at Garret over my head.

I stepped away from Dad and rolled my eyes. “Dad, Garrett’s my boyfriend now,” I reminded him. Although I doubt he needed it after what he just saw. It was just kissing, but I was still his biggest little girl.

Dad just grunted and Garrett came up behind me and took my hand.

“As long as I don’t see it, it’s fine,” Dad said. He started towards the kitchen but stopped half way and looked back at us. “That doesn’t mean sneak around.” Then he continued on his way.

Once Dad was in the kitchen and making a point of making lots of noise so we knew he was still there, Garrett and I burst out laughing.

“He acts like you’ve never had a boyfriend before,” Garrett said. There was still a hint of a chuckle in his voice.

I turned slightly to face Garrett and took both his hands. I stretched up and kissed the underside of his jaw “Mm, maybe because I haven’t?” As soon as my words registered his eye brows came together in confusion and he looked down at me.

“Wait? What?” he asked.

I laughed and kissed his jaw again. “Really. You’re my first.”

“But what about that guy? Um…Jose? I thought you dated him?” Garrett asked.

I thought for a moment and then released one of Garrett’s hands to slap his chest. “Gare! Have you been spying on me?”

The tips of his ears went red and his large eyes widened even more. “Uh…no?”

I shook my head at him as I stepped away and sat on the couch again; he followed after me like an obedient puppy. “Jose was my French partner. We had a project together at the end of last year. That’s why he was over lots.”

“Oh. What happened to him?”

“He moved to Cali,” I said. Jose had only been here for second semester last year. And then his family moved down to California to live with some relatives or something.

“Oh yeah,” Garrett said stupidly.

“What about that Asian guy? You guys were like inseparable,” Garrett said.

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