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do i think too much?

picking at the wounds: i don't let them heal

i give a bruised look

and new pigments reveal a new flesh

that i dress myself in.

i tore myself up over tears

and the years that i devoted to them,

nursing my fears, spiraled round them

in the nighttime

and i open the old wound time after time

and can never drain enough poison. You know;

and if i were your young bride,

it would not repair --

if i were your young bride

would i (i would) tear you up too --

do i talk too much?

my bones a cage, my tongue a fist that twists

and i do not know

how --

i do not know how

when i'm on my own. 

"Do I love you?"


"And do I love you?"

"Yes, you do"

-- but i made you cry, Baby. i made you cry --

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