LXXIX. "it's just the way i feel".

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i cried myself to sleep like a sucker
and i feel my dolent eyes beam under the moonlight.
my neck soft as salt
and nape knotted with seawater --

i wonder if you're out there
somewhere, listening to my poetry,
thinking about it all, watching
that ocean brim.

(i've been thinking) how i wish i could have come when you called,
oh how i adored you when i was young.
how i breathed you in, each lung
loving you more than before.

but i've been crying myself to sleep
'cause i never knew how to do it alone --
had someone breathing by my side
since the day i was born.

babe, i've been crying myself to sleep
because you lied. my lungs are waterlogged
and i'm dreaming of hell fire rising
and the burning circles on my wrists flaming with betrayal --

at night, i'm dreaming of drowning,
thinking that i'll never love another
quite like i still love you (and i keep hoping
that it might be enough one day).


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