Part 8

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After a while, he gently lets me go and I already miss the feeling of his arms around me.

"You ready to go?" he asks and grips my lightly, as if wondering if it was okay for him to. I quickly squeeze his hand, letting him know that I really don't want him to let go. After that we walk hand in had to school and even make it a little earlier than we normally do.

As I sit down and Karma goes to his desk, Kayano comes up to me with a shy smile.

"Hey Nagisa." She says smiling at me.

"Hey Kayano-chan. How are you?"
"Good. I was just wondering if maybe you would want to go on a date with me. Tomorrow. But it's a double date cause Okauda is asking out Karma and she really wanted me to go with her." Kayano rambles and I am ready to tell her no, before I hear the words that make my heart stop.

Okuda is asking Karma.

I quickly turn around to see Okuda nervously standing there, though she is more nervous than usual. She asking him out. I can read her lips.

Karma I was um wondeing .....if maybe you would want to maybe possibly go out on a d-d-date with me tomorrow.

I dont even have to read Karmas lips to know he said yes. The way he shrugged and nodded a bit said it all.

Heartbroken, I turn back around to face Kayano. Then I say something I know I will come to regret.

Sitting at our tree, Karma and I relax and talk, until I work up the nerve to talk to him about Okuda.

"So I heard Okuda asked you out on a date." I say as casually as I can with my insides twisting around.

"Yeah. She said it would be a double date with you and Kayano, but I was pretty sure that you weren't going to go. Guess Kayano hasn't asked you yet, huh?"

"Oh she asked me." I say without really elaberating.

"Poor girl. Must have been heart broken when you said no." Karma said and if I didn't feel guilty for saying yes before, I do now.

Karma noticed me and looked over at me.

"You said no, right?" He said and I reluctantly shake my head and watch his eyes go wide.

"I thought you were gay." he says.

"I am."

"Then why are you going on a date with Kayano?"

"You're going on a date with Okuda!" I say back fiercely and he blinks at how harsh I must have sounded.

"Well that's normal. Because I'm straight!" he yells back and at that moment I get so sad and angry that I get up and storm away. I go straight to the classroom and sit down in my seat. Soon the bell rings telling everyone that lunch is over and even when Karma walks in and tries to stop and talk to me. I ignore him and he goes away as Koro-sensie walks in and starts teaching class. I know I had no right to freak out on Karma and leave, but I couldn't help it. I mean, I knew he was straight but hearing him yell it at me makes it feel more like a rejection and less like a fact. I spend the whole class thinking about my situation instead of listening to Koro-sensie.
When class ends, I quickly grab my stuff and leave. The first time in a while that I have walked home alone. It feels more lonely than I expected. There's a Karma sized hole in my heart.

As I approach my home, I walk faster. All I want is to curl up in my bed, buried 6 feet under pillows and blankets. I damn near sprint up the stairs to the apartment.

"Mom, I'm home." I say and she comes out of her room with a weird look on her face.

"You were supposed to be a girl you know." she says, and I know it's one of those days. The ones where she knows I'm the boy she gave birth to.

"The doctors said so. Your father and I decorated the room all pink and yellow. I got a baby book where I wanted to put pictures of our shopping sprees and girls day outs. You ruined everything. My marriage, my hope. My sanity, my happiness. You took it all." she says as she walks closer and closer to me. Suddenly her hand shoots out, gripping my hair painfully. She shoves me against a wall, my head hitting it followed by the rest of my body. She lets go off my hair causing me to fall. She kicks my in the stomach and chest multiple times.

"They said you were a girl!" she screams and I let the silent tears fall down my face. I have learned that it is best to just take it. She will be back to normal tomorrow and think someone at school beat me up. That I'm getting bullied. Never that she could have done this to me herself.

With a final kick, she walks out of the room, grabbing a bottle of alcohol on the way. When I hear her door close, I get up and slowly trudge to my room. I think she may have bruised my ribs but it has been a couple of months since last tine so I was almost completely healed.

I pick up my phone to call Karma, knowing that hearing his voice would make me feel better,  however before I can press his contact, I remember that we are fighting. The one person I want to talk to, I can't.

Gosh, this is beyond crappy.


Walking home alone was weird. I felt like there was something missing. A blue hated something.
When I get home, I do something I haven't done in a while.

"I'm home," I say to nobody.

I want to call Nagisa, but he's mad at me.

Gosh, this is beyond sucky.

Karma x Nagisa: Love Hurts BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now