Part 11

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Nagisa POV

Coming up with ways to get Karma to forgive me are harder than I thought. I have been his friend forever, but I can't come up with anything that would make it...right I guess. Saying sorry isn't enough, but doing a big gesture seems like a little much considering we are just friends. I could tell him why I ended up freaking out but that could just make things worse.

I mean, how would you react if your best friend walked up to you and told you they have been in love with you since forever?

Its probably best for me to stick to a simple apology, and to tell him that I plan to tell Kayano that I can't date her.

If only I has the guts to actually go up to him and apologize. Just looking at him makes me feel excited and scared and nervous and fluttery. I hate and lobe it at the same time. Is that even possible? Not the point.

Tomorrow I will go up to him and I will take him to our tree and I will tell him that I'm really sorry and maybe he'll forgive me. This is my plan. I can do this. I pat both my cheeks and leave the apartment. I walk as fast as I can and end up running into the jerks from the main building.

"Hey there, Nagisa. Where are you off too in such a rush?" one of them asks. His nose is big and his glasses are too small for his face.

"None of your damn business. Leave me alone." I say not willing to let these idiots get in the way of my apology. If Karma and I finally being friends again.

"What was that? You think trash like you can talk to us like that? Don't forget your place." says another one with small eyes and greasy looking hair. I try to keep walking, but a hand grabs me and prevents me from going any further. They drag me to the ground and start to kick me. Great, just when my ribs were healing from Mother. Guess who might need to go to the hospital?

Just when glasses guy lifted his leg to kick me again, there is a flash of red and he ends up on the floor. Next greasy hair guy gets punched across the jaw and fall backward, right next to me on the hard asphalt. I start to black out from the pain right when I see Karma's face come into view.

Thank goodness for my dark angel with flames for hair.


Karma POV

After I finish getting the bastards off of my Nagisa I turn around to face him, only to find that he is losing consciousness. His eyes start  to roll back in his head and I hear him mumble something to low and jumbled for me to understand. How someone could do something like this to him, of all people, surprises me to no end. I've never heard him talk bad about anyone. And, unless we're training, I've never seen him harm any living being.

Stupid dumbasses think they're better than us because the school gave up on us. It's not right.

I gently work my arms under Nagisa's knees and neck then slowly begin to lift him from the ground. He has gotten lighter than last time I held him. I could've sworn that he was at least eating lunch, but the human body isn't made to withstand only one meal a day.

Instead of going to the school, I take him to my house. I have a first aid kit so I can take care of him. And then we can talk about what's been going on with him - with us. We could fix this and walk to school together again. Then he could sleep over at my house for the weekend and share a bed and--

What am I thinking about?

I don't think about Nagusa like that. Nagusa is my best friend and a boy, so me thinking about him like that is impossible.

Nagisa wiggles in my arms for a minute before settling down and cuddling into my chest. He lets out a sigh and grips my shirt and I can't help but think,

I want to be like this forever with him.

Karma x Nagisa: Love Hurts BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now