Part 14

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Nagisa POV

After a very relaxing morning with Karma, I thought nothing could go wrong. My reality didn't even exist anymore. The longer I spent with Karma, cuddled in that chair, the longer I could pretend that everything would be okay when I went home. But I couldn't stay cuddles into Karma's arms forever. Eventually the ache in my ribs caught up with me, and startled me when a saddening realization.

"I have to go home." I say softly breaking the serene that had surrounded us.

He grabs onto me tighter, pulling me closer and closer and closer, "Don't leave yet. Please."

His voice pleaded with me. I had never heard Karma plead for anything. His voice, quiet and  broken, made me want to stay here in his arms forever. Its hard to see how I could ever get hurt again as long as I was in his arms, leaning against him, sharing a heartbeat.

"I-I have to take care of my m-mom." i say softly and I am sure he can feel my body shake at the idea of going home and facing my mother when she might not be out of her mood yet.

"Then go take care of her then come back. I would be an idiot to have not figured out that those old bruises were probably from her. Stay here with me."

"I cant do that. Shes my mom and im not gonna leave her. She needs me, if im not there she wont remember to take her meds and she can only make food when she takes her meds so she will probably starve. I need to be there for her. But i will see you tomorrow. And if you want i can text you tonight to let you know im okay. Okay?"

When i finish i tilt my head to the side to look at him. He looks like he wants to say no, but he hesitantly nods and I turn my body and hug him before getting up and walking out og his house, already dreading whats gonna become of me when i get home.

Karma x Nagisa: Love Hurts BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now