Part 9

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Nagisa POV

I wake up to a pain on my side and stomach, and a headache from crying. There are bruises along my arms and chest. Ugly, blotchy, people and yellow bruises. I sit up and grab the cream I keep in my dresser. This happens a lot, so it's best to stay prepared. I have bandages and cream hidden all through out the apartment. Just in case I can't stand th he next day. After gently running the cream on my bruises and wrapping them, I grab my school shirt and pants. I quickly get dressed before running to the bathroom I share with Mother next door. I brush my teeth, wash my face the gem put on shoes. I run out the door, closing it gently because I know Mother probably has a hangover and is sleeping it off. I pull my hair into my signature pigtails and walk down the he alley. The empty alley. No Karma anywhere. It takes a moment to remember that we are in a fight. Of course he wouldn't pick me up. So I start my slow walk alone.

Soon I see the gleaming building of the highschool that decided I wasn't good enough. That decided I wasn't worth it.

I try to just walk by but soon guys flank me.

"Hey there Nagisa. On your way to E class?" One says and I force myself to stay quiet.

"Come on, Nagisa. You know it is rude to ignore your superiors." Says another.

I say nothing and continue my walk when someone draws the last straw.

"Would you rather us talk about Karma? And how your little freak isn't hate to protect you? Poor Nagisa. Even Karma the Freak cant stand him."

I snap and see red.

"You know what? Karma is an awesome person. He is always there for me. I cant say that about anyone else. And what hives you the right to call him a freak, when you guys are more freakish looking than he is? We never did anything to you. Leave us the fuck alone." I say in a deadly calm voice. All the guys pale.

"Whatever. As if we care what a stupid E class has to say about us. At least we are worth something."

They all walk away after that. And I am left alone to walk the rest of the way to my beloved classroom. The only place I feel safe anymore.

As I walk into the class, Kayano comes up to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I feel weird having her body pressed against my body, so I quickly hug back and gently push her away.

"Where's Karma-kun? Don't you normally walk together?" she asks, still standing a little to close.

"I don't know. We didn't walk together today." I say while trying to back away from her, so I didn't feel her body heat.

"Awww. Poor Nagisa-kun. Had to walk all alone. If you want, we can walk together now?" As she says this her eyes seem to brighten at the thought of walking with me and she leans forward, probably trying to show off the little amount of boob she has.

"That's okay, Kayano-chan. We will probably start walking home together soon."

She pouts and starts to say something, but gets cut off by Karma storming into the room and going straight to his desk, not even looking at me.

"Hey, what happened with you and Karma-Kun? Both of you seem sorta sad."

"Nothing. I gotta sit down before the bell rings." I say and sit down just as Koro-sensei rushes into the class so fast we can see nothing but a blur.

"Well, today, along with your multiple attempts on my life, we will start the next unit in math and social studies. Now open your books to page 444 and...." I stop listening to him after that just reading and knowing that I will stay after one day to catch up.

When the lunch bell rings, I wonder what I'm supposed to do. Karma and I always ate lunch together, but we are in a fight and I don't want to risk him getting madder at me or deciding that it had no point. I don't think I could handle being all by myself, without Karma, again. So, with my heart in my hands and more courage than I thought I had, I walk up up Karma.

"H-hey Karma-kun do you want to eat lunch together today?" Okuda asks him before I get there.

Please say no. Please say no. Pleas say no.

"Sure, I would like to have lunch with you." Karma says in his naturally confident voice. Soon there is an extra chair by his desk and Okuda is sitting rather close to him, eating their lunches, together.

I guess it really doesn't take long for me to be replaced, huh? I thought, or hoped, that he would seem a little sad today, but that's what would happen in a fairytale world. In a fairytale world, I would be snuggled up to Karma while eating lunch. He would be the first one to tell me he loved me. To tell me and truly mean it.

But this isn't a fairytale.
Or a book.
Or one of those sappy romance movies.

This is real life.
And in real life, the closest gay doesn't get the guy.

Karma x Nagisa: Love Hurts BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now