Chapter 1: The Reaping.

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Waking up in District Seven is calming. You can smell the pine trees and hear the birds. Except today, no birds sing and the smell of pine trees is overwhelming. Why? It's because today is the Reaping.

The Reaping happens every year without a fail. The Reaping is a ceremony where a boy and a girl aged between twelve and eighteen get chosen to participate in the Hunger Games. The Reaping marks the beginning of the Hunger Games and it's really important. But very stupid.

I'm seventeen and I'm still around. I'm slight and small but don't let that define me. I'm harsh and cruel and I'm fucking amazing with an axe. I mean, working in the woods every few days, is obviously going to make me pretty skilful with an axe.

I shake my head and drag myself out of bed. I limp over to my wardrobe and pull out a black dress. I shove it on and make my way down the stairs.

"Morning, Johanna." My mother chirps.

"Whatever." I reply monotonously.

"Johanna, you have to work on this attitude of yours!" My father says from behind his paper.

"What attitude?" I laugh.

"That one." My father replies.

"Whatever," I repeat.

"Are you ready?" My mothers tone is as light as a feather.

"Yes." I reply and give a little shudder, much to my annoyance.

"It's okay to be scared." My mother coos.

"Well I'm not!" I huff and walk out the door to the square. I make sure to slam the door, so they know I'm not kidding.

The paths and roads are scattered with leaves and pieces of bark. I step on them and grin when I hear the familiar crack.

I reach the square fairly quickly and wait in line. I tap my feet while waiting.

I hate waiting!

I get my finger pricked and my blood is drawn. I'm marked in and led to the girls' side of the Reaping. I stand next to a girl in my year, I think her name began with an a or something like that.

The Reaping doesn't take too long to get started. I've been going to these Reapings for as long as I remember and I could recite what is going to happen. Our stupid escort, Una Levus, says some stupid speech and then shows us the stupid 'War Terrible War' clip. She then picks the stupid boys' tribute because she thinks ladies first is overrated. She then picks the stupid girls' tribute and then gets them to stupidly shake hands.

As if on cue, Una Levus walks through the doors of the Justice Building. I sigh at her outfit, though it isn't as bad as some districts.

Cough, Effie Trinkett, cough.

Her lilac hair is twisted and braided down her back and her face is absolutely caked in make-up. Her dress is figure hugging which shows off her skinny figure. The dress is a very contrasting orange and blue.

The Capitol's style makes me sick.

Her squeaky voice begins to talk.

"Welcome to the 71st Hunger Games Reaping, everyone! Isn't it just lovely outside?" She says.

Fate must really hate Una today because just as that leaves her mouth, it begins raining, lightly but raining nonetheless. She pulls an ugly face before forcing a smile upon her horridly shaped lips.

"We won't let this rain on our parade!" She giggles at her own joke, which isn't even funny.

I refrain from shaking my head. Una carries on, undefeated.

She points her talons at the screen just to the left of her and the 'War Terrible War' clip begins to play.

"How good was that?" She asks once it's over and her comment is met with silence.


"Okay then. Let's start with the boys!" She claps and totters over to the glass bowl.

Her hands swirl the slips of paper around for a couple of seconds, before she grabs a slip. The slip is basically a death note of someone stood here.

"Cade Fleet!" She screams.

I watch as the boys part and I see a small fourteen year old boy shuffle towards the terrifying Una. In the crowd, a woman screams his name. Cade doesn't react, he walks up towards Una and turns to face us all. His face is wiped of emotion and he holds his posture.

Una claps him and then she walks over the the girls' bowl.

"And now for the girls!"

I hold my breathe as her hands dives in the bowl. My heart threatens to jump out of my mouth and my palms are very clammy.

"Johanna Mason!"

My shoulders droop and my heart crashes into my ribs, forcing my breath the hitch.

The girls part a way for me and my legs move forward, robotically. Soon enough, I'm stood next to Una and facing the crowd. My eyes scan for my parents, the ones I shouted out this morning, the ones who I never told them I loved them before leaving, the ones I love too much. I find them, my mother sobbing into my fathers chest, while his hand is pressed against his eyes. My eyes also involuntarily search for Corin. Corrin, my lover, my one. He stands in the boys section with tears streaming down his perfectly shaped face. His eyes are bloodshot and he is mouthing that he loves me. Seeing the three people I love most crying for me, breaks me. I let out a huge sob and my legs collapse. My breathing is ragged and my shoulders heave. I bang the sodden stage floor with closed fists before giving up and wrapping myself in a ball. I feel a pair of arms snake round me and pluck me from the ground. I breathe in quickly and smell that all so familiar scent. I move into his chest. Corrin's chest.

"I'm here." He whispers before his own voice breaks.

I get taken inside the Justice Building and Corrin takes me to a room where he gets told he has three minutes.

"Corrin!" I cry.

"Jo." He engulfs me in a huge hug and repeatedly kisses my forehead.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too Johanna."

My sobs come back. I begin to shake and tears rolls down my already red face.

"Do everything you can to get back to me. Okay? I want you here and with me or there isn't anything I want to live for. Okay? Get back home Jo."

I can't say anything so I nod into his chest.

The door swings open.

"Out you come." A gruff voice says.

"No!" I screech.

The Peacekeeper hears my reluctance to let Corrin go, so he steps into the room.

"Now." He orders.

"No!" I hold onto Corrin and Corrin holds onto me.

"I'm sorry." The peacekeeper says without any sympathy.

He grabs Corrin round the waist and pulls him off me. Tears are falling so fast and distorting my view.

"NO!" I scream loud enough to wake the dead.

"No! Corrin! No! CORRIN!" I scream again as I watch the metal door slam shut.

I don't bother moving, I just let myself collapse onto the floor.

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