Chapter 17: Day Three - The Arena.

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Waking up is painful. My head feels heavier than a tree, my throat as dry as the Sahara desert and all my muscles ache, even my ass. The blood from my clawed out eye has gone crusty and has left my eye useless.

Gagging on the dryness of my mouth, I search for water. Or something I can drink. I keep stumbling over my feet, trying to find something but finding nothing.

"Blight, I could do with some water before I bloody well die!" I mumble under my breath.

The cameras must have been on me as the ding ding of a parachute is heard. Whipping my head round, I find the silver object led in a mud puddle.

Good aim.

I wobble over to the small parachute and try to open it with shaky fingers. My fingers keep fumbling over the muddy latch, unable to get it to open.

"It's a bloody dummy parachute! Damn everything that freaking breathes!"

Throwing it down in frustration, it hits a rock and has a dint in the left side. It still isn't open though. Screaming with annoyance, I grab the damn thing and try hitting it against the tree, hoping it pops open. Who am I kidding, of course it doesn't open.

"I'm going to fucking kill you Blight!" I curse, looking towards the unusually green sky. Oh wait, it's just trees.

Holding the indestructible object with both of my hands, I decide to try the latch once more. I try turning the knob again, still with no success. I sit on a rock, ready for a long day as I examine the parachute. I notice something about the latch. I look a little bit closer, squinting at the tiny latch. I flick the latch up and it pings open.

Oh. My. Fucking. Goodness.

I laugh at my own stupidity. And the prize to this years smartest tribute goes to Johanna Mason from seven!

Inside the parachute is the worlds smallest bottle of water. It must be the size of my fingernail. That doesn't stop my downing the pure perfection in liquid form.

At the bottom of the parachute is a little white note. Two actually. The first one I pull out reads; J, the arena isn't what it seems to be. Be careful. - B.

Yeah, because I fucking know what that means. Scrunching the note up, I throw it into the mud before reaching for the second note.

This one is considerable larger in size and on the front my name is printed in blood red. A message from Snow. I shiver before opening it with my heart in my mouth and butterflies tickling my stomach.

Johanna. Seems like your feisty side is making an appearance. You are not who you claim to be Miss Mason. I think the rest of Panem will agree with me here, you're a threat. A threat who I hope to be dead in a couple of days. Watch your back, Sunshine. SNOW.

Crap. Crap. Crap.

Without a further thought, I throw the note as far as possible and since it's paper, it lands about a step in front of me.

My mind is going crazy. It's thinking about what Blight said, about the arena. I don't know what the arena is yet. It can't just be a rain forest. There must be something more.

Getting up from my rock, I turn left and begin walking, deciding I need a find a weapon and quickly. With only my stick to guard myself I begin a arduous walk into the unknown.

After walking for a few hours, I get the need to rest. I know I can't so I push on still without any sufficient weapon.


I jump out of my skin when I hear the familiar noise of a cannon.


One more.

That leaves 12 left to kill. Things are about to get freaky, I can feel it.

I shake the nervous feeling and carry on walking. Hearing occasional voices which soon fade into the chirping of trees. I remember just a few days ago when I was back home stepping on twigs from fun but if I even step on a twig now, my body could be in a wooden crate ready to be shipped home, cold and dead.

After walking for what seems like another six thousand hours, I come across a tree which has an object stuck out of it, like it's been lodged there, waiting for someone to come and get it.

Hearing the warning signs in my head, I carefully tread towards it. I expect some super spectacular mutt to come chasing at me with it's teeth bared and blood dripping from it. Let's say I am truly disappointed as no such thing even happened.

So damn anticlimactic!

As I get closer to the tree, what is stuck in it is a knife! It's as if it has just been zapped their for me.

Raising my eyebrow, I circle the tree, looking for something that will kill me. Nothing tells me to back off, so I gently reach out and put my hand on the knife handle.

Feeling little shocks run down my fingers, I pull the knife out of the chunky tree trunk.

As I pull up the knife to the now dimming sunlight, I hear an all familiar hissing noise. I look down, thinking snakes have crawled over my feet but nothing is there. As I look back up, my eye catches the hole from where the knife was lodged. Seeping out of the hole is a almost white mist.

And then the danger makes it clear.

The arena is full of poison. Mind wiping poison.

"Oh fuck..." I trail off as my body facepalms the ground.

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