Chapter 7: Training Day Two.

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I wake up to the beautiful voice of Blight. Please take note of my sarcasm.

"Get your lazy ass out of bed." He rips the covers off me.

"Go away!" I mumble into my pillow.

Is it just me or is my bed always more comfortable in the morning?

"No, you have training." Blight grabs my wrist and literally pulls me out of bed.

It takes me a minute to fully understand what is going on. Once I finally get my head around everything, I jump up from the floor and stroll to the bathroom. I slam to door and switch on the shower. I quickly shower.

I get out and dried and walk back to my bedroom. On the bed again are my training clothes, the same as yesterday. After changing, I lazily walk at the pace of a snail, towards the dining room.

"Glad you could join us, Johanna." Una sneers.

Blight lets out a chuckle and Cade smiles. I shoot them my worst look and they all shut up almost immediately. In front of me, is a plate with a slice of toast on. I pick up a knife and start layering butter onto the toast. Butter was always a luxury for District 7 and I almost never had it. I love the taste of butter. I'm not being timid about the butter because I'm layering that bitch up.

"Butter's going to be the death of you, Sunshine." Blight says, eyeing my butter mound with a side of toast.

I squint at him and hold out the knife I was using. Blight quickly goes back to his food.

"It's time to go now." Una says, yanking away my plate before I even took a bite of that damn toast.

"I hate you all." I mumble under my breath as I get up and walk to the elevator.

"We hate you too, Sunshine!" Blight says at my back, leaving me to frown.

The elevator ride is short and sweet so soon enough, I'm back in the training room. Cade comes to join me.

"I got you some bread?" Cade holds out some crumpled bread.

"Thanks." I say before snatching it off him and shoving it down my throat.

That must make me look pretty damn desirable.

Whilst stuffing my face, an avox pins the number 7 on my back again and leaves.

As I swallow the last bit of bread, Atala calls for attention.

"Alright Tributes! Today is day two of your training! This also means it is your last full day before you see the gamemakers! Remember to make the most of it! These training sessions are basically your life lines to survival when you get to the games! Just take into consideration that the weather can sometimes be even more horrid than a weapon!" As Atala says this, I can't help but notice the tiny wink she directs at me.

"I'm not going to keep you waiting because I know you are all itching to get your hands on the equipment! So off you go!"

With that, the tributes scatter.

I look round the room and decide to stick to survival skills again. I'm supposed to be weak. Weak girls don't play with weapons.

I let my feet take me to the berry station.

"Hello there." A chirpy woman says to me.

"Hi." I whisper, meekly.

"I'm Katrina! And you are?"

"Johanna Mason from District 7." I recite.

"Well Johanna, you ready to get started?"

I just nod slowly.

"Okay, well this berry is called halifer and please, whatever you do, don't eat that thing! It will kill you before it passes your lips. And this one..." Katrina goes on about plants and berries for the next three hours until we break.

I take a break and just relax. Relax? Who am I kidding?

"Is the weakling sat on her own?" Mocks the careers who now surround me. Two boys and a girl. I can only remember Kai from yesterday.

The girl, from one, has blonde hair that flows past her shoulders. Her eyes are venomous and green, kind of like a snakes. Her cheeks are perfectly rosy and her face is flawless. She is flawless, especially stood next to me.

The boy has short cropped hair which is also blonde in colour. His muscles bulge in his outfit and his face is so defined it looks like it has been drawn. The boy is obviously from two.

I shake my head and turn away from them. They walk up to me yet again.

"Are you scared, baby?" The girl's voice is so sweet, it's hard to imagine she is a career.

But some things are so unpredictable.

I get up and leave to go to the bathroom, just to get away from them. I stand in front of the mirror, breathing heavily when the girl enters.

"Running off?" She sneers.

"No." Whispering, barely moving.

I begin to walk out but she grabs my short hair with her perfectly manicured fingers.

"The fun is just about to begin!" She cackles, making my legs turn to jelly instantly.

She yanks my head forwards and it collides with the edge of the pristine sink. She pulls me back up to her, her face so very close to mine. "Had enough yet?"

On the sink, a blood stain drips down onto the floor. She pushes me down with a little 'humph' as if it was all my fault, before storming out.

My head reels for a minute and then I stand up. I wobble but manage to keep my balance.

With the world spinning, I trip and fall my way back to the training room and everyone has already started. Atala must see my cut because she runs up to me.

"Johanna, are you hurt?" Her voice is somber and carries sympathy.

No bitch, I'm fine and dandy, just dripping blood from my head. Nothing major.

"Yeah, a little." I whisper.

"Let's get you to the paramedics." Atala leads me away but I can just hear what the girl from one says.

"What did she cut herself on? She wasn't even near the weapons! She's such a wimp!"

I want to slap her face in. With an axe.

I walk through a series of different corridors and finally get to a door that says 'hospital'. We enter and I'm seen straight away.

The paramedic checks my eyes and head and all seems fine apart from maybe the small concussion. The doctor sends me away to rest.

Atala, being the person she is, takes me to my floor.

"Blight?" She screams, pounding the door.

"Atala?" His voice sounds surprised.

He walks to the elevator with a smile which quickly drops when he sees me.

"Get in." He mumbles to me before turning to Atala. "Thank you."

"No problem. Stay safe Johanna." Atala leaves.

"What the hell do you think you're playing at?" Blight screams at me.

"You think I did this? You think I wanted this?" I yell back, matching how loud he is.

"What happened?" His voice softens.

"Bitchface happened." I snarl.

"And who might Bitchface be?"

"Girl from one." I mumble.

"Jeez, sounds like the Hunger Games have already started!" Blight mumbles.

The night passes with little events. By eight, I'm in bed asleep.

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