Chapter 20: Day Five - The Arena.

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I pull up a hand to my forehead, trying to quell the headache that seems to be pumping round. I gently open my eyes. I see nothing but trees and grass. It's all so damn green.

I stand up and a knife topples from my lap, sticking upright into the moist ground where I've just be led.

Where the fuck am I?

Thinking hard, I try to recall my last memory. Nothing comes up. It's as if I've had my mind wiped. It's fucking freaky.

Taking a look around, I see things that are familiar yet so new to me.

These Games mess with your mind, I swear.

Having enough, I storm straight ahead, hoping it leads me somewhere.

I brush past branches and twigs which snap and hit me in the face. Some get caught in my hair while other snag on my body suit thing.

I huff and puff for about half an hour before I hear something that is probably not safe.

Trees are being cracked and screams are, well, being screamed. Whipping my head around, I try to find the source of this noise.

Between two trees I see two male tributes fighting. I don't recognise either. But bring on the popcorn.

I sneak over to behind a large tree trunk and watch the action.

"Get off me!"

"Over my dead body!"

"You and I both want the same thing then!"

Oooh, girl. You just got burned. Would you like some ice with that?

One of the boy holds out a black axe and swings for the much smaller boy. It hits him in the eye and he slowly begins to bleed to death.

"If I'm going, you're going too."

The smaller, dying boy uses the last of his strength to pull up the boys head and slam it back down, dead instantly.

I wait for a few more minutes, after hear both cannons sound, I walk over to them to get that lovely axe I saw before.

"I was here first!" A squeaky voice screams and a knife whizzes past my face, missing me by millimetres.

I recognise that voice.

It's only Bitchface.

"Good to see you. How have you been?" I ask nicely, looking at her pretty scrawny body.

Her body suit is ripped in numerous places. There is one on her chest and any lower she'd be flashing. I doubt she'd mind, neither would half of Panem's population. Her hair still seems to be pristine, put up in a pony tail high on her head. Her eyes are blood thirsty.

"Cut the crap."

"Ooh, someone is feisty today! Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" I bat my eyelashes at her, making her angrier by the second.

"That's it!" She throws a knife at my chest before running towards me.

I run out the way of the knife and dive onto the two dead boys, muttering my apologies for double killing them. I grab the axe led on one of the boys chest and accidentally, rip open his chest.

"Sorry," I whisper once again.

Fingers mess with my cropped hair and latch on before pulling me off the boys and slamming me onto the floor. I get thrown onto my back and before I breathe, Bitchface jumps onto me.

"Ooh, I like it. I don't swing that way but I could do if you wanted me too?" I joke and wink while Bitchface is furiously stabbing at me with knives. Let's just say she isn't that skilled.

"That's enough." I say more to myself.

I squirm out of the hold and jump on Bitchface's back. I hold the axe in one hand and slice open her arm. She lets out a piercing scream and falls to the ground. I stumble but keep my balance. She crawls away from me pretty quickly. I run over to Bitchface and put another cut down the length of her other arm. While she howls in pain, I stand and watch her. Looking her down. Beating her to nothing.

To do her a favour, I throw my axe into her chest.

As soon as the axe hits her body, it falls still and silent, nothing to be heard. The birds went quiet, my mind went blank, everything stopped.

I grab my axe of of her dead body and wipe away the blood. I take one last look at her before walking away.

In her death, she was much more peaceful. The evil in her eyes had disappeared. The bags under her eyes from restless nights became less prominent. All traces of trouble had vanished.

The cannon booms, signalizing my second kill.

I don't even know how many are fucking dead!

"Ladies and gentlemen, there are only seven of you now! The games seem to be ending quite quickly if I say so myself! This announcement will be the only one. It turns out that weapons are at a short supply at the moment so we have an offer. At midnight tonight there will be a table laid out at the cornucopia with every type of weapon. Come and receive only three but if you do come there will be consequences." A fuzzy man tells us.

It's like the Heavens have answered my question! Boo-yah, bitches.

Should I go?

Fuck it. I'm going.

Looking at the darkening sky, I decide to try and find my way to the cornucopia. I can see it's golden tail through the trees, I just have to find it now.

I begin walking, trekking through the bushes and trees that decide to hug my body and leave imprints and scratches all over it.


The night soon turn a deep purple shade which only means night. I can't even see the cornucopia any more leaving me almost blind in the arena.

Screaming I throw my hands up in the air and plonk myself down on the floor. I hear the usual ding of a parachute and brush it off. It won't be me.

Wait, scratch that, it is for me.

The parachute lands right in front of me. I reach out and grab it. Flicking open the lid, I first see a note. I take it off the top and read it.

Johanna, I don't want you going to the Cornucopia but you wouldn't listen to me so here. Don't get caught, Sunshine. I'm still counting on that hug. B x

Enclosed, I find a torch. I turn it on and it is mega fucking bright. It could blind someone. I bet that would make a headline.

Tribute kills other 23 children using a torch. Death by torch.

Laughing slightly, I get up, with the cornucopia in sight and carry on walking.

An hour in, I come to the clearing directly across from the cornucopia. Now it's just a waiting game.

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