Chapter 4: The Train.

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A knock on the door makes me spring up. My face is tight with dry tears from last night and I slept where I fell, on the floor. I stretch my neck out while softly walking to the door.

"What?" I grumble, throwing the door open before making my way back to my bed.

"Good morning, Sunshine. Aren't you full of joy and happiness this morning?" Blight mocks.

He doesn't know about last night. He doesn't know about the letter. He doesn't know that Snow killed my mother.

I'm not in the mood for talking. Not one little bit. I shoot him my middle finger, still looking unamused.

"What has got you down, Sunshine?" He asks, sounding a little more concerned this time.

I just point my finger in a vague direction of the letter. He sees the letter and picks it up. It takes him a couple of minutes to read it. His face drops quicker than you could say Snow.

"Who did he kill?" He asks, no point avoiding the point.

"My mother." I don't cry like I want to, I put on a brave face.

"Sunshine." Blight wraps me up in a hug which is kind of weird. In fact, very weird. His muscles almost make my eyes pop out of my head.

"I'm fine," I mumble, my face squished up against his shirt.

"Anyway, we have arrived at the Capitol now." Blight says pulling away.

"I was fine before I heard that." I whisper under my breath but make it loud enough for Blight to just about hear it.

He lets out a small chuckle. He ruffles my already messy bed head and shoots me a tiny smile before leaving my bedroom.

I let out a huge sigh of what I think is despair and drag myself into the adjoining bathroom. I switch on the million button shower and strip down. I crawl into the intense shower and let the heat soak into my tense body.

After a quick shower, I dry myself and walk back into my bedroom, stark naked. Walking to the wardrobe, I throw on a simple light purple dress which makes me look a little taller. I throw on a black jacket and black pumps. Quickly grabbing the letter I stuff it into my pocket before leaving the cramped room.

I walk down the illuminated corridor quickly, and reach the dining cart in no time at all. An avox escorts me to the table and hands me a glass of water before walking away. I sit down and dig into the bowl of soup in front of me.

Blight keeps shooting my sympathetic looks until I catch his eye. He looks away, ashamed.

"How was your night, Johanna? Wasn't it nice to sleep in that bed? Did you know that bed was made out of ostrich feathers, one of the rarest birds in Panem?" Una asks, delicately sipping at her tea.

"Was it?" I say sarcastically, except Una didn't understand.

"Yes, I believe Snow made all the beds on the train contain ostrich feathers!" She says cheerily.

"Great!" I say again, even more sarcastic than last time.

The conversation has a quick end. We all eat the rest of the meal in silence. I prefer it that way. It gives me time to dwell on how drastically my life has changed in the past few days.

I can feel the train begin to slow down and I look at Una who is rapidly clapping her hands.

I roll my eyes at her before she begins to talk.

"We are here! Ooh, don't you just love the Capitol? It's so pretty here!" She coos.

"I've seen better." I whisper under my breath.

Cade turns round in his seat and smirks at me. I do everything I can to keep my closed fists by my side and not smashing his nose in. Blight seems to know what I want to do, and jumps in before I have the chance.

"Let's go Cade!"

I count to ten in my head before getting up and following them out. Just before I reach the door, I remember my weak girl act. I quickly try to turn on the waterworks. Does it work? Obviously not.

I wrack my brain, quickly, for things that could set off my tears. I try kicking the wall, punching the wall, none of which worked. Then I have it! The perfect idea. I walk backwards a little, giving myself a little runway. I propel myself forward and slam my whole body into one of the metal door. I can literally feel my organs inside my body hit my ribs. It fucking worked though!

I limp towards the doors and make my way out onto the platform. Trying to hide my tears from the cameras that bombard me. But I obviously let them see the tears.

I get taken inside a big building by peacekeepers and Una. Una is muttering some crap to me.

"This is where we are going to make you look a million dollars!" Una whispers excitedly.

I roll my eyes and look around this place. It's huge and is crawling with peacekeepers. Everyone here is busy absorbed in their own work to notice me staring.

"Here you are." A peacekeeper tells Una and me.

"Thank you!" Una giggles and waves at their retreating backs.

"All right Johanna. I'm going to say this once. Do not disagree with anything they do to you. Do not say no! Let them do what they do best!"

And with that Una totters off, wobbling in her high heels.

I take a deep breath and enter a room called THE REMAKE CENTRE.

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