Chapter 19: Day Four Afternoon - The Arena.

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Being only four days into the arena, nothing much has actually really happened. A few kids have died, I killed one and just the boring usual stuff like that. Nothing exciting. Nothing that makes the Capitol go 'ah' or 'ooh'. It may be a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach that is telling me today, something is going to happen. It could be small or it could be huge, wiping out nearly all of us. For all I know, I could be just going delirious. Let's all hope for the latter.

I'm sat on a very sharp rock, that pinches and pokes at my ass, making it really uncomfortable to sit on. Now you're thinking, then why are you sitting on it dipshit? Because well, yolo.

The heat is blazing down and even though I'm surrounded by trees which do absolutely nothing to block the harsh sun. If I looked at myself in a mirror, right now, that damn mirror would probably break from how I look. I haven't wash, ew I know. I haven't brushed my not so pearly teeth. I haven't even fucking pulled a comb through my hair which is probably coated in mud and filled with sticks. Let's just say I'm pretty damn sexy if I say so myself.

After a few tedious minutes in the heat, which feels like hours, I get up and begin wandering for the muddy lake-y pond-y thing. Since that thing is fucking ginormous, it isn't a few minutes before I stumble upon it.

Almost slipping into it, I ease myself into the freezing water which is much deeper than I expected. Shivering, I try to wash myself the best I can with the bloody wetsuit thingy on. Annoyed, I jump out of the water and strip off, throwing the wetsuit to one corner to dry. Stark naked, I climb back into the pond and begin to wash myself. After a good half an hour wash, my throat dries up and I begin gagging for water. Eyeing the water, I bend down slightly so the water reaches to my chin. I carefully stick my tongue out and taste the water. It isn't a second before that water is back in the pond.

It taste like cat piss.

And then my eureka moment happens. After being a complete and utter moron for the past day, I realise I can turn this water into freaking awesome tasty water.

Blight gave me those pill things that will make that water safe for me to drink and probably lessen my chance of dying from dehydration by about ten thousand percent!

Boo-yah, bitches!

Jumping, once again, out of the water, I run to my wetsuit which is now dry but looks slightly smaller than before. I find the vine which has my belongings strapped to it and take one of the pills.

"Fuck my life!" I yell.

I. Don't. Have. A. Freaking. Container. To. Put. The. Bloody. Water. In.

I fling on my wetsuit which has shrunk in the sun which is now about the size for a thirteen year old boy. I decide to make my way back to the cornucopia, hoping to find a weapon or at least a container of some sort.

After an hour of gagging and walking, I reach the cornucopia which has been robbed of its weapons. Dammit! Nevertheless, I walk to the cornucopia to just check if anything has been left behind. I hold my knife close the my chest as I walk. Inside the cornucopia it's dark and kind of scary, I don't have a clue what could be lurking there. For all I know, it could be the boogeyman.

I don't know whether to be glad or upset it wasn't the boogeyman but sticks and a couple rocks. Scrunching my nose up in annoyance I make my way to the mouth of the cornucopia.

Wait let my rephrase that. Fucking try to get to the mouth of the cornucopia.

I feel gently vibrations run through my feet which sends tingles up and down my ridged body. I think nothing of it and keep walking. When I walked in here, it was bright and light outside. Now, it's about as black as well black. The moon is high and a strange almost green colour. Which just reminds me of a mint cheese.

The vibrations begin to get stronger and stronger before I'm flung off my feet and fly into the sturdy, metallic walls of the cornucopia. That will bruise in the morning. As the vibrations stop for a while, I climb back onto my feet. Only to be knocked off them again. The walls of the cornucopia shake and rattle, as I hold onto them for dear life. I hear crumbling and I look towards the entrance of the cornucopia. Or what was the entrance.

Surrounding the entrance is the cornucopia itself. The huge metal, sturdy structure has fallen in on itself, caving me in and holding me hostage.


Running to the entrance, I try to kick my way out, which absolutely no luck whatsoever. The only thing it earned me is probably a sore, broken toe.


"Well, isn't it a nice surprise to see you here Miss Mason." A voice rings out and it echoes in the hollow cornucopia.

And I said bogeyman wasn't here.

I recognise that voice without even seeing their face. His face. Snow's face.

"How nice of you to join me, Snow."

"Just thought I'd drop by, Johanna." He emphasises on my name, rolling it out.

"Yeah well, what the fuck do you want? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something!" I point to the caved in walls of the golden structure.

Snow laughs. His laugh is something quite unusual. It sounds like he's choking on pebbles if I'm honest.

"My my, Miss Mason, is that the tone to take with your beautiful President?" He snakes up to me, his eyes on mine as I eternally shiver for the rest of my life.

"Beautifully ugly more like," I mutter to myself but only earning it to be echoed louder.

Curse everything.

"Well well Miss Mason. It seems, you and I have some serious talking to do. What do you think?"

"I think you should leave me alone. Anyway how did you even get into the arena?" I ask, actually wanting to know his answer.

"I have my ways dear. I know people. And dear, remember these are my Games. I control them." His presses his cold lips to my cheek, stopping my breathing immediately.

He kisses my cheek before walking away.

"I've said it before Johanna. Watch your back, I'm out to get you. Enjoy your stay here! It might be your last!" And he's gone.

It's like he's walked through the bloody wall or something. I run to where he just disappeared from and look at the wall. I take a few steps forwards before running into the wall at full speed.


Turns out I can't walk through walls.

Rubbing my whole body, I make my way to the middle of the cornucopia and sit down. I swear these games are fucked up.

Then I hear a hiss. A very loud hiss. No, a few loud hisses. Coming from so many different directions. I look around but see nothing because it's pitch black.

And it's too late when I realise, it's the noise of poison. I'm already knocked out.

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