Chapter 9: Scores.

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I walk, or should I say limp, my way back to floor seven, cursing with each step I take.

"Woah, some language there, Sunshine." Blight chuckles.

I show him my middle finger. His eyes go wide before returning to normal.

"Get me some fucking bandages." I curse again.

Blight does not refuse and hurries straight into the bathroom. So much for being brutal...

"What happened out there?" Blight asks when he comes back.

"Tried playing the freaking weak girl and cut myself to cry." I curse again, quietly, while Blight tries to hide his smile which gets me pretty riled up.

"Go on, laugh then asshole." I scream.

"Johanna. Your language." Una scolds as she click-clacks into the living room, her face pulled into a scowl.

I roll my eyes at her.

"How did you do Johanna?" Una's voice is so damn annoying. I just want to rip her voice box out and throw it out the bloody window.

"Crap." I state simply, no point in avoiding it.

"Johanna!" Una snaps.

"What?" I ask.

Una sighs in aggravation and abruptly storms off, leaving Blight and me.

"She's not that bad." Blight tells me, giving me a nudge.

"Yeah she is." I reply.

"Okay, yeah, she's a damn nightmare." Blight guffaws.

After his laughing fit, the elevator doors open and Cade strolls in.

"How'd you do, buddy?" Blight asks.

"Yeah, okay I think."

"Congrats! Well we'll see tonight!" Blight gives him one of those cool, manly slap on the back things which aren't actually cool.

"Food is ready!" Una calls us with a slightly annoyed tone.

We all walk to the dining room where a table full of fancy looking food is waiting. There must be food to feed thousands of mouths back home and I guess Cade must be thinking the same thing, with the way his mouth drops open. I try to keep my mouth shut, except I can't. Otherwise I wouldn't be Johanna Mason, the girl who couldn't keep her trap shut.

"What the hell?" I say, a little louder than normal.

"Don't!" Blight warns.

"I couldn't care less! How much of this do we actually eat? Not even a quarter of it! Then where does it go? Probably in the bin and then it just decomposes. While back home there are thousands of people starving to death! Did you know that. Snow, did you fucking know that!? Well congratulations you bully! You have just murdered probably nine or ten people back in seven. Let me give you a round of applause. Would you like a medal as well?" I clap sarcastically.

"She's gone and bloody done it now." Blight says, leaving Una to slap his arm.

I sit down and refuse to eat. Nothing happens. No phone calls from Snow's minions, no letter or no blackouts. I smile smugly to myself.

"R...right, well it is time to watch the training scores!" Una looks pretty pale, even under the ten thousand layers of make-up she has caked onto her face.

I grumble but limp to the living room anyway. I take a seat and we are just in time as the Capitol seal is just flashing up.

"And hello citizens of Panem! Are we having a good time! We certainly are here in the Capitol!" Caesar Flickerman's happy bubbly voice booms from the speakers.

This year he has opted for the apple green style. And he looks damn ugly.

"Today is the day we get the training results from our very gorgeous tributes! So without further ado, we are going to start with District 1!"

The district one seal flashes up before a picture of Kai is shown.

"Kai Edller! With a score of 11!"

"Danika Winslett! With a score of 10!"

Well, Bitchface did good.

I tune out for a while. I just manage to get the girl tribute for district 6.

"Eliza Cartidle! With a score of 7!"

"District 7!" Our seal flashes up.

"Cade Fleet! With a score of 7!"

My mouth drops open. How can that weasel of a boy get a seven? Jeez, what did he do? I clap him anyway.

"Johanna Mason! With a score of 4!"

I let a smirk crawl onto my face as the rest of the room turns heavy.

"Johanna." Una starts slowly, thinking I'm upset about my score.

I just flash her a grin and walk to my bedroom.

I walk straight to the bathroom and get in the hot shower. It takes twenty minutes for me to finish and I walk back into my room stark naked. I mean, why cover up when you can flaunt it?

But maybe this time flaunting isn't the best as I see Cade sitting on my bed with his jaw touching the floor. He quickly slaps his hands to his eyes and a blush covers his small face. I blush for a second before cracking up, not fazed by our encounter.

"I...I...I'm sorry!" He stutters with a throaty voice which makes tears leak out of my eyes.

"It's fine." I say as I limp over towards my wardrobe. I throw on some comfy clothes.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"What happened in training Johanna? You could die now, because of the four!"

"I don't care." I say while shrugging my shoulders.

"You should care, this is life and death you're toying with."

"And?" I say.

"Whatever Johanna. Sorry for helping." And Cade storms off.

I roll my eyes and climb into bed, thinking of Corrin and how differently my life could be if I hadn't have been picked for the Games.

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