Chapter 10: Interview Prep.

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"Get up Johanna. You have a big day ahead of you!" Una screams, banging on my door.

I grunt and bury myself deeper into the blanket.

"Get up!" Una screams again.

"I'm up!" I yell as loud as possible.

Grunting some more, I roll out of my warm bed. I crawl into the shower and have a long hot shower, taking as much time as humanly possible without is seeming like I've fallen down the drain. I get out and dried and walk back to my room. No clothes are left on my bed today, so I grab some comfortable clothes from the wardrobe and fling them on.

I sluggishly walk towards the dining room, where I see Blight, Una and Cade holding a conversation I really don't want to be a part of. Never-the-less, I go to join them. I sit down on a super uncomfortable chair and begin to pick at the toast which is placed in front of me.

"We were just discussing tips, Johanna." Una tells me, beaming at me like a Cheshire cat. I do everything in my power not to roll my eyes at her.

"Really?" I feign enthusiasm.

"Yes, it is quite interesting!"

And what a surprise, she didn't get my sarcasm! Cade and Blight do, as they are both grinning at me.

"Okay." I say plainly.

"Aren't you going to ask what we were saying?" She looks a little shocked by my lack of words.

"Sure. What were you talking about?" I ask monotonously, not at all interested at what they have to say.

"Don't run to the cornucopia. It's basically a death note and we don't really need you kicking the bucket so early on." Blight tells me.

"Right got it." I say back. "Where's the butter?"

I hear Una tut but she passes a plate full of butter to me anyway.

After a few minutes of really awkward silence, Blight finally breaks it.

"Cade, you go with Una for the first half of the day and I'll take Johanna. We'll come back here and eat then we'll swap. Sound good?"

Una nods and drags Cade away. He throws his head back towards Blight and me and mouths 'help me'. We just giggle and I give him a small wave away.

"Let's go to the remake room." Blight tells me.

He takes me away to where I first met my prep team. Instead of the one chair, there is a couple of settees round the raised circular platform. Blight leads me to one and sits opposite to me.

"Okay, we already know you are the weakest tribute here, even both tributes from twelve managed to grab a score of five."

I nod and feel a small smirk crawl onto my face.

"We just have to work on the weakness when you are answering Caesar's questions." Blight tells me.

"Right, okay. I'm good at acting!"

"Okay then, let's test that. Hi, Johanna! It's good to meet you! You got a slightly less impressive score of four, what did you think of that?"

I squirm a little and turn my head away from Blight and the "crowd".

"I...I...I mean. I'm i..impressed I got a four. I thought was good." I stutter.

Blight nods his head. "That was a good response. Now Caesar will probably ask you a question about your relationship. Now here is the part you play up. You say no one is ever interested in you. You say boys hate you. That will receive a few sponsors from either boys or people who feel sorry for you."

And we continue like this for the next four or so hours.

"Let's go get food." Blight laughs after my tummy decides to make the noise of a dying whale.

We walk to the dining room and begin eating. Not five minutes into our meal, we are joined by an exhausted looking Cade and a happy looking Una.

"Good luck to you, Johanna. You'll want to rip her bloody head off!" Cade whispers into my ear as he passing leaving me to choke on my funny looking, and tasting, purple soup.

We eat in a comfortable silence and all too quickly, Una drags me behind her into, what I guess is her personal study room.

She throws me a book, which I fail to catch.

Go, Johanna.

"Head." Una points to the book then to my head.

I pull her a confused look. She sighs before jogging towards me. She places the heavy book and my head.

"Balance it, Johanna!"

After a few failed attempts, once nearly chopping my foot off, I manage to keep it on my head.

"Now walk."

Is the woman serious? She's batshit crazy.

I take a couple of unsteady footsteps.

"Johanna, stop wobbling!"

"I do have a bloody wound on my leg!" I complain.

Una rolls her eyes at me, before motioning to carry on walking.

The first time, the book falls off my head. The second, I wobble then slip on my ass. And luckily for me, third time lucky, I manage to walk the scale of the room without it dropping off my head and I don't wobble either.

Yeah, bitches, stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

"Let's try it with heels!"

Oh, for fucks sake!

I painfully get through my session with Una and I walk out of her room with blisters the size of elephants and a very sore head.

We meet back up at the dining room and Blight flashes me a grin. I shake my head and flash an angered look his way.

We talk about little and nothing during our meal and today we are joined by our stylists. Honestly, I wanted to rip my hair out.

"We will see you tomorrow, you two!" Our stylists says to Cade and I before leaving.

"What do they mean 'see you tommorow'?" I ask, already knowing the horrible answer.

"It's the day you get prepped for the interview!" Una claps.

And I thought fighting to the death was the worst part of the Hunger Games. Clearly not.

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