Chapter 18: Day Four Morning - The Arena.

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Crawling and creeping along my body, from my toes to my fingertips is fear. Fear of what, I'm not sure. I shouldn't be scared, I mean, what is there to be frightened of in this world when really, when you try, you can conquer anything? My heartbeat is erratic with fright and my palms are clammy and ghostly pale like the rest of me. The air is cold and nips at your skin, biting away your clothes to freeze your bones. I can feel movement behind me. It's strange and an unwanted feeling but it's there anyway.

Something in the back of my mind haunts me. Scares me. Makes me want to run away. I throw my head over my shoulder, trying to quell my fear. It doesn't stop it, only increases it. Stood behind me is the one and only.

A snake like person. Wispy, white beard which sits snugly on his chubby stomach. His eyes speak tales no person should ever witness; death and destruction wrapped into one. His cheeks are an unnatural red, like he's thrown blood over his face. Fingernails like claws and hands wrinkled. It's Snow.

"It'sss nice to sssee you, Misss Massson." He has a snake like voice, hissing all the 's'.

I don't answer, or more likely can't. I can't answer, he'll know my secrets. He'll know my family, friends, Corrin. He can't know. They must remain a secret, no matter what I have to do. He'll hurt them, or worse murder them. I won't speak a word, not one.

"Cat got your tongue?" He shakily laughs. "Or isss it me? Did I cut it off?"

I take off running, focusing my whole attention on the rubble pathway in front of me. Slipping and sliding in the mud which is mixed with small rocks, I find a way to keep going, even though my chest is burning.

I can feel myself slow down, to a pace I really can't afford. Then I feel claws grip at my hip, grabbing me and pulling me to the rough ground.

"No! Please no!" I scream as I watch him pull a knife out of nowhere.

"I'm going to enjoy thisss Misss Massson." And he slams it into my chest, leaving my bones to shatter and blood to pour out of the wound.

"Fucking hell!" I shout, catapulting myself upright.

Holding my head in the palm of my very sweaty hands, I try to relax myself. That dream or should I say nightmare, was batshit crazy. I don't even know the difference between fantasy and reality anymore.

Shaking my whole body as I stand up, I try to forget what just happened and focus on today. If I even make it that long.

In my hand is a knife. I'm sure I didn't have that yesterday. I mean, I never even got it from the cornucopia, never mind any parachutes. I throw it up in the air and catch it, resulting in a cut hand for me.

Go, Johanna.

I hiss as I try to find something to wrap my hand up with. Seeing nothing but trees for miles, I have literally fuck all to wrap it up with. I'm not using leaves, I mean that's a peasants version of band-aids and I ain't no freaking peasant.

Freakishly, I hear the ding ding of a parachute. I shake my head, it obviously won't be mine. Why would it be mine, I mean, no one would sponsor the weak girl who had basically no odds, or if did, really lows ones. I'm crap at everything, I can't-


Oh, hi ground, pleased to meet you, I'm Johanna.

Rubbing the back of my head, I sit up. Sat next to me, is a parachute. That bloody thing nearly knocked me out. Nevertheless, I pull the silver object onto my lap and open it with a flick of the latch, easy. Inside is a jar of some crazy looking purple gloop that reminds me of vomit.

Thanks Blight, much appreciated.

Inspecting it closer, a small note is jammed down the side, I grab it and read it.

Johanna, you freaking moron, be careful in the arena, I told you. I can't tell you anything about it, but just be careful. Water is near, keep looking. In this parachute, is two things, by the way, you're welcome. One is a handful of water purification tablets for when your stupid mind realises where the water is. The second is medicine that heals cuts, bruises but sadly not death. Keep on breathing, Sunshine. I'm still waiting for my return hug. Blight xo

I didn't even know it was possible to write that long of a note to a tribute. Ah well. This arena is confusing, I still don't know what's happening or happened. It's like my mind has been wiped, it's totally crazy and honestly freaking damn annoying too. I take some of the purple looking substance and rub it into my hand, waiting for some magic to happen.

Strangely I expect nothing to happen but the purple thing gets sucked into the cut, leaving behind fresh skin that looks brand new.

Since when did this happen?

Marvelling at this incredible substance, I close the lid and hold onto it, wishing I had a bag. On the floor, is a piece of long vine that I grab and wrap around my slight stomach which is grumbling from lack of food. I haven't eaten for days. With the vine, I create holes for my belongings. I wrap the medicine up, slip the knife in and also the tablets too.

Smiling down at my waist, I evaluate my handiwork.

"I need some food before I eat a fucking tree!" I groan along with my tummy that is so underfed it must have shrunk to the size of a peanut.

I may have been slight exaggerating there.

Grabbing a stick to use as a walking aid, I begin another walk, looking for some food. It doesn't take long before I come across the creature that viciously attacked me before. This time, I slip my knife from my vine and hold it near my face. Closing one eye, for aiming purposes not because I'm tired, I pull back the knife before letting it fly though the air, and hitting the innocent creature, killing it.

Sadly, my aim wasn't 100% accurate and nearly beheading the poor creature. Jogging up to it, I remove my knife and wipe away it's yellow blood on some leaves. Disgusting. Debating whether to cook it or not, I decide to cook it to stay on the safe side.

Now here is the task, trying to create a fire in a rain forest where you guessed it, it constantly rains so I look like a drowned rat 99.9% of the time.

I use my knowledge from my two days training to get a spark from two slightly damp branches. Let's just say it probably took about sixteen bloody hours. Nonetheless, I get a spark and eventually I have created the smallest fire known to man. It is a fire though, so boo-yah bitches!

I skin the grey animal and collect the meat off it before putting the raw meat onto a stick. I then roast the pest and get it crispy before taking a tentative bite. It tastes okay. I take a second bite and before I know it, the whole damn thing has been eaten, leaving me to frown at my empty, greasy hands.

I look up past the trees to see the sun as it it's highest so it must be around noon. No one has died yet. I guess some shit is about to go down then.

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