~18~ Adios Bitchachos!

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"First they ignore you,
then they ridicule you,
then they fight you,
and then you win."
~Mahatma Gandhi


Under Connie's less than watchful eye, Billy and I both empty out our lockers. Which turns out to be pretty easy for me, seeing I got a great head start last Wednesday whole clawing my way to hell. So other than my text books and a couple of surviving notebooks, I really do not have much to pack up.

On the other hand, Billy is a study in "don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out". As he yanks out a green army duffel bag out of his locker, with a smart snap. Then proceeds to shove everything he owns into it under thirty seconds. I really have to hand it to him, because this boy is definitely prepared to vacate the premises at a moment's notice.

Connie even takes my bookbag for me almost like a gentleman. Save that he starts doing bicep reps with it while walking down the hall. So with Coach Grant trailing slightly behind us out of hell, me and my monsters weightlifters walk out to the parking lot. To where the Sheriff Buddy's big Bronco has parked up the curb. As soon as we are out of earshot of Coach Grant, Connie drops the total Neanderthal act and dials it back a notch to standard savage McCrazy.

"So all the bullshit aside, what the hell really happened?" He crosses his massive arms and stares down at his brawling brother.

"Just some random acts of bullshit?" Billy shrugs off the inquiry at me. "Ask Sam, it's more her story than mine."

"Cereal?" Connie snorts in disbelief.

"Yeah, just some random acts of bullshit?" I smile up weakly at the ginormous enforcer.

"Well, just so you know, your mom is super worried and shit. You know, cause she thinks you had another...thing?" Connie informs me of what has been happening behind my back. "I overheard her telling dad on the way here, that she blames herself for sending you back to school too soon. You know, after your last thing?"

"O'holy crapoli." I pinch the bridge of my nose.

Because I know what is probably coming now after our suspension. That I had "another thing" at school, ergo I must be having another one of my meltdown spells. So now let's head over to therapy and talk about how all the feelings are feeling. Until we all feel better about all our feelings. Shit pieces!!!

"Don't trip Connie, she's totally cool. This wasn't like the last thing." Billy answers for me. "It was that little bitch boy Dillon that started shit. That little fucker we told you about that pronged her locker and stole her shit? I guess that bitch-boy tried to talk to Sam about ...whatever? Then shit popped off in the hall." Billy mugs over at me appreciatively. "But it got handled by Sista Soldier here, she put on the pain."

"Oh yeah?" Connie tilts his massive brick head down at me. "How's that?"

"Like he was trying to apologize to me or something, but not really? I guess so that I'd call off the dogs or whatever?" Both monsters snort at the idea of stopping the Crazy hate once it gets rolling righteously.

"Like we were gonna go back to being friendlies or something, after what they did?" I slowly start joining in on the after-action report. "I guess he thought I was so stupid that I would buy into all his bullshit sorries?"

"So I sorta slapped him? Then Billy banged him up into the lockers and pinned him there like a bug. But then all the teachers got involved and broke it up. But before that asshat started lying his ass off, I popped him again. Then I kind of yelled a bunch of curses at him too?" I falter as the hard words get stuck in my throat.

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