~27~ The Fight I Never Really Understood Until After Prom.

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By the time you hear the siren
It's already too late
One goes to the morgue and the other to jail
One guy's wasted and the other's a waste

Come Out and Play ~ The Offspring


It's about an hour hike through the old oak woods to the hilltop bike trail that leads back to our woods. "Our woods" is kinda a weird thing to say, since they are not really ours at all. But rather state protected land for migratory Monarch hummingbirds or something?

Still walking through the woods alone with Billy is an oddly calming experience. I mean I should be slightly weirded out a little because I am walking alone in the woods with a boy? Which is basically the plot of every horror movie slasher chick flick channel wilderness rape special since Red Riding Hood.

"Wolf in the woods! A survivors tale ...loosely inspired by actual events!

But I'm with Billy, so I almost feel sorry for the Big Bad Wolf. Cause the Wolf might be big, and he might think he's all badass and shit? But up against a real deal crazy Monster? Yeah, I'm thinking a new wolf pelt jacket is just the thing to make the right impression at high school next year.

It's sorta of strange side effect that came out of the aftermath of the big SlapFight. But ever since Billy stuck up for me in the whole slap fight thing that day in the hall, I worry a lot less when he is around. Like somehow just knowing that Billy will kill someone for me is really reassuring. Until it's not reassuring at all...

After a long walk back home through "Wolf Woods", in which no actual wolves were spotted. But where I almost fell into a shallow ravine ...twice. Only to be saved from falling to my death both times by Billy's quick reactions, to my everlasting humiliation. So by the time we stumble down the hills and back to the Madhouse, I am sweaty, dirty and desperately in need of a long hot shower.

We roll into the house through the blackberry hedge and Billy immediately bolts straight for the refrigerator. He roots out a couple blue Gatorade bottles for us to rehydrate with. Then I head towards upstairs to change out of my cool new mountaineering clothes. Then shower off any remnant scent of Snafu's "really good shit". Hopefully before the Sheriff can sniff me out for being second hand stupid. Suddenly, I can hear loud voices laughing from around the corner in the long living room.

When I come around the kitchen corner and find that Tommy has a bunch of his friend girls over. And a guy I vaguely recognize as Devon, Trevor Martin's older brother. The two idiot boys are playing some video game that involves monster robot ninjas beating the crap out of each other. All the while the three older girls are laying around on the various old leather couches in the living room, drinking Fu-Fu beers and basically ignoring the boys.

Even more surprisingly, Stevie is apparently already home from his Ice-Capades party. Who is now sitting in the corner giggling conspiratorially with a seriously strange looking gothic girl. The girl I will soon come to learn is Tommy's mystery girl, the insanely infamous Jinni Jinn.

At first glance, this strange girl is so damned sultry, she should probably be swaying alone in the corner to Joan Jett's "Crimson and Clover" by herself. I am not really sure if she is going for Gothic or Emo or Mad Maxx biker babe dominatrix or whatever? But if "rough around the edges" was a style, she'd be the maven of that shit for sure. Cause this chick is dressed out in all black with silver skulls festooning every article of her clothing. From her laughing burning skulls tights, knee-high shiny black paratrooper boots with skeletal buckles.

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