~34~ Welcome to Wolf Woods

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Can't help myself but count the flaws
Claw my way out through these walls
One temporary escape
Feel it start to permeate
Trying to find the in-betweens

Young Blood ~ The Naked and Famous


After escaping the horrorshow of the Madhouse, I head straight into the backyard blackberry jungle. Start making the twists and turns through the blackberry maze out towards the Doghouse to feed the monster. Weaving through the blackberry bramble, the various trails are starting to become more familiar to me now. To the point that I can now almost navigate them without getting too many scratches.

When I finally make my way through the blackberry bramble into high grass beyond. I take the trail up the hill towards the dilapidated carriage barn kennels, that I have come to think of as the Doghouse. Circling around the converted carriage barn to where I last saw him, to find a large ugly orange four-man camping tent has suddenly appeared on the shady side of the structure.

"Billy, I brought breakfast!" I announce myself at ten paces before the tent proper. Just in case he is having his own pre-breakfast special tent time. Which I most definitely do not want to just walk in on any of that action. Then have that seared into my head, with all the other crazy thoughts that are in there bouncing around in there at the moment.

One of the things I have learned living with The Devil is whatever I might think they do in their spare time? Yeah, they probably are doing exactly that or something way worse than you can imagine. So always best to error on the side of stupid and approach the savages with extreme caution.

"Billy it's me Sammi!?!" I announce a little louder, which sets off all the dogs in the barn barking up a storm.

"I'm in the kennels feeding the dogs, I'll be out in a minute." Comes the muffled reply from the barn slats behind me.

"Okay, take your time." I bark back, which sets off all the dogs barking at me again.

While Billy is busy doing whatever it is that he does to feed the Rejects, I start wandering around his Doghouse campsite. You know, just looking for any corpses I might have to clean up with a little sacred Tibetian sea salt and some duct tape? Without finding any more murders to clean up after, I start to take a look around at all the rustic nature stuff.

When I thought about Billy sleeping in a tent out with the dogs, all the way out here away from the Madhouse. I honestly never imagined it would be so dogdamn peaceful? The Doghouse is nestled in the idyllic meadow facing the state forest beyond. I half-have to admit, that I can see the draw of sleeping under the stars, surrounded by all this nature trying to slay you in your sleep.

Two minutes later Billy emerges out from behind a loose wood slat on the side of the barn, shirtless into the morning sun. Something that I've started to notice about him more than before was how densely muscular he was without a shirt on. I've never really seen him without at least a tank top on before. I mean other than the whole naked water war dance day under the ant head hose. Which was very distracting and more than just a little disturbing, to say the least.

So I force myself to look away from him, out beyond the small meadow towards the forest beyond. Wondering what dark things lay lurking in the shadows just waiting to attack within Wolf Woods. I am starting to think that maybe I have been living in my own weird little world for too long. Dogdamn you Dr. M. and your stupid 68% normalcy ratio!

"Breakfast burrito with some spicy salsa," I announce unnecessarily and push the food out in his general direction without looking directly at all his shirtlessness.

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