Chapter 3

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      Drake steps quickly forward towards the tiny princess. She freezes and he feels a twinge of guilt. But why should I feel guilt? He wonders. We won the war and this is the price they must pay. Yet he couldn't help but feel guilty by scaring the young princess. This time he lowers himself slowly onto his knee and pulls out the small jar that hangs around his neck. The she is obviously still terrified but she doesn't shy away. Drake sets the small container on the floor.
"Princess, if you could be so kind as to climb into this jar." His voice echos slightly off the stone walls.
      Her tiny form cautiously approaches him, her dress swishing on the smooth stone floor. He holds out his hand trying to help her in but she ignores him and climbs in on her own. Whatever, that doesn't bother him he just lifts the jar off the floor and slips a lid on.

      So this was how it is going to be. I am going to be treated like nothing more than an interesting insect. Sophia thinks as the lid is screwed onto the glass jar she is now being held captive in. She pears out of the smooth glass at the prince.
"Drake, I think." She whispers then she shifts her view to the king.
      A rush of loathing fills her as she watches him leave to speak to her father. Suddenly a loud voice brings her out of her thoughts.
"Comfortable princess?" He almost sounds sincere.
      Drake's dark green eyes peer into her glass prison as he awaits his answer. She gives none. Drake lets out a sigh and let's the jar fall to his chest causing the Sophia to slam against the wall of the jar. Her hate for the giants intensifies. But what can she do? Her miniscule body, and inferior strength are useless against these... beasts.

Drake feels her small body smack against the glass and starts slightly. Is she hurt? He wouldn't want a bruise to mar the beauty of his tiny prize. She seems ok though. Her white dress and deep purple cape spread around her creating a pool of fabric. He just can't understand her behavior. Why was she being like this? The jar bounces softly against his chest. He knows that it is most likely jolting for her but he doesn't truly care at this moment. She has no right to completely ignore him. He is her master and she is his to do with whatever he pleases. Why cant she get this fact through her pretty little head? He wondered. Why does she have to be so difficult?

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