Chapter 13

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Sophia's POV

The darkness of his pocket surrounds me and I feel myself bounce slightly with every footstep. I reflect over the contents of the letter and ponder what I am going to do. My father had said there would be someone who would meet me if there was any way to get outside to the garden. I groan at the impossibility of an escape. I guess Drake heard me because I feel him gently pat the pocket.

"Sophia, are you alright?"

I feel the vibration of his voice throughout my entire body. Its unnerving but for some reason I trust him, even if it is only a little bit.

"Im fine." I reply.

Even though I trust him(slightly), I don't want to stay here. It is so terrifying to be so much smaller than everyone and everything. I shiver remembering how Drake's father treated me. My back still hurts from being thrown on the table.

Suddenly, I feel drake come to a stop. I watch his fingers reach down. His strong fingers wrap around my waist and give me a sharp yet soft squeeze. Bright sunlight blinds me momentarily as I am lifted into bright sunlight.

"Here we are."

I gaze out over a garden and smile, almost teary eyed with happiness. Maybe escaping want going to be so impossible.

Third Person POV again

Drake gently removes the small Sophia and sets her carefully down on his lap. She went to walk off but he blocked her with his hand forcing her to sit down. He used his fingertip to push her so that her back was against his stomach.

"Drake, why are we here?"

Drake runs his finger down her side and tugs softly at her dress.

"I thought you could use some fresh air.

"Thank you." She says laying her hand on his. 

"My prince, there is someone here to see you." Drake growls in annoyance and goes to pick Sophia up.

"Wait, can I please stay here?" she begs.

Drake agrees and quickly leaves allowing Sophia to stay.

Sophia POV

I watch him leave and don't move from my spot until I lose sight of him. When he is gone I quickly find a way down to the cobblestone pathway. I run down the path as quickly as possible and begin to shout. No one reply's for about 15 minuets and I fear that I am losing time when suddenly I hear a shout. 

"Im here!" I scream as I duck into a large bush.

There a group of guards meet me. Their leader is Clay, my fathers main man. I run over to him and hug him with all my might.

"I am so happy to see you clay!"

"As am I to see you princess but we cannot stay here long." I allow him to lift me up on his steed and he gets up behind me.

"Follow men!" He shouts. 

And we're off.

Time Skip

Its late by time we reach our side of the border. 

"Just a small ways more and well be at the summer palace." Clay says reassuringly. 


"Yes princess?"

"What happens if Drake finds out where I am?"

"The giant prince, hah I don't believe hes smart enough to figure that out."

I fall silent. I know Drake is smarter then Clay realizes. Clay gently slides his arm around my waist and gives me a slight squeeze.

"Why so quiet Sophia? You have nothing to worry about."

I remain silent and let my head fall against his chest. 

"I don't know why but I am still worried about him finding out."

"Well, you don't have to my princess."

Before I know it I wake up in my summer bedroom. I didn't realize how much I have missed being the right  size for everything. I gently pad over to my wash basin and scrub away the grime of travel. I take of my giant made dress and slip on one of my summer gowns. It is not the best for the cold winter but, it will have to do for now. I gaze at the dress Drake had given me and realize that I don't want to get rid of it. I gently run my hand over the red lace and feel the weight of the rhinestone garnishes that sparkle in the winter sunshine. I carefully fold it and place it in a hidden compartment in my closet. I am free. At least... for now.

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