Chapter 25

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Sophia POV

I cry till there are no tears left. My whole body aches and my knees sting. I look up from my position in the cage and scan the room looking for Drake. My eyes fall on him sprawled out on the bed, quietly reading a book. I sniffle softly and try to pull myself together. I go to stand up and find myself face to face with Drake. I gasp and try to back up but he quickly pinches my ankle between his fingers.

"Wait, wait, please d...dont." I panic, trying to stay put.

Drake just rolls his eyes and pins my arms to my side. I struggle in his hold and whimper as his grasp tightens, bruising my ribs. He roughly carries me in this way over to the bed and lays down, trapping me on his chest. He lays his hand over top of me and slowly begins to pet me. I shiver, not knowing what to do about this strange turn of events. My body want to relax but I do everything I can to prevent it. I don't want him to think he can do anything to me and then everything will be fine afterwords. So, I keep my body tense, my muscles screaming at me in reply. Drake strokes his finger up and down my back, pausing every now and then for some unknown reason. I wait for it to stop for good but find myself growing tired. I yawn inadvertently and give a slight shake of my head, trying to wake up.

"Are you tired tiny?"

Anger swells up inside of me at the arrival of the old nickname. I choose simply to not reply and hope that he will shut up. I don't get my wish. A sharp poke to my side shows his disapproval at my silence.

"Either you speak to me or, another punishment is coming your way." He keeps his voice and low and threatening whilst also petting me to show his dominance.

"W...what do you w...want me to... to say."

He chuckles and changes his hold so that Im cradled in his palm. Im stuck looking up at him, his forest green eyes taking in my every move and glistening with mischief.

"Tell me your secrets."

What? Since when did he become so interested in my personal life. I don't even have many if any secrets at all.

"I...I don't have a...any."

"I don't believe you." He growls.

I struggle to sit up but he places his thumb firmly on my stomach, forcing me against his palm. I whimper in fear as he moves me closer to his face.

"P...please, Im t...telling the t...truth." I cry out not wanting to be hurt again.

Drake POV

Pity fills me as I watch my tiny prize crying in fear. Im not going to hurt her but she doesn't know that. I sigh and gently place her down on the bed. She collapses in a tiny, exhausted pile.

"Hey, its alright Sophie, Im not going to hurt you." I coo softly, stroking her head with my fingertip.

She tries to push my finger away but, finds that she cant and gives in to my petting.

"P...please." She sobs softly.

I feel guilty. I scared her so badly and now, I don't know if ill ever get her trust back. Well, if I ever had it in the first place.

"Im so so sorry my little Sophia." The words pour out of my mouth in utter sincerity.

She looks up at me with reddened eyes, confusion in her features. She hiccups softly and I smile at how cute she is. I caress her face for a moment even with her disapproval.

"Can you just be good for me?" I whisper. "Remember, I own you. Yes, I love you but you must obey me."

She sniffles and nods.

"Good." I laugh softly before transferring her to my chest.

Sophia POV

And the truth comes out. I truly am nothing more than a pet. I shiver in his hold as he sets me on his chest. His warmth surrounding me as he places his hand back onto me, pinning me on my stomach. Why did I have any hope that it would be different? A sharp knock on the door shales me from my thoughts and noticeably startles Drake.

"Who is it?"

Drakes hand instinctively tightens around me and I whimper in pain. He takes no notice.

"My Prince, your cousin has arrived."

Huh, his cousin. He hasn't said anything about a cousin. I look back to drake and see excitement lighting up his features.

"Thank you. Tell him that I will be down to see him shortly."

"Yes sir."

Drake quickly gets up and shoves me into his chest pocket without warning. I squirm around trying to get out. I don't want to see any more giants especially any relative of Drake after previous situations. But, sadly I have no choice in the , after as I feel Drake quickly moving through the castle.

"You ready to meet my cousin Sophia."


But, in all honesty, I am not.

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