Chapter 31

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Sophia POV

It was difficult to say goodbye to Ceius but, nessisary for me to return home. I feel slight pressure on my hand and I turn my attention to my seat mate. Clay smiles at me and takes my hand in his, wrapping his other arm round my shoulders and pulling me close.

"Pray, how did you happen to fall into King Ceius's hands?" He asks softly.

I smile and snuggle against him. "He came to visit drake and smuggled me out."

"Why." He questions, smoothing my hair back.

"I have no clue as to why." I mummble.

He chuckles softly as he twists the delacate ring on my finger.  The white diamond set in intwined gold shimmers in the dusk sunlight. I smile not at its expense and worth but, at what it means. I was finally engaged to Clay. Though, the ring also brings back the past memory of the last time he gave it to me, and the aftermath.

"What is on your mind darling?" Clay asks, taking notice of my whirring mind.

"Just, old memories."

He sighs and squeezes my hand softly. "Are you worried about Drake my love?"

"Well, is there any chance of him knowing about... this?"

"Our engagement?" He asks quizically.

"No," I sigh, removing my hand from his. "About you bringing me home." I gesture out the window at the darkening sky.

"Sophia, there is no way..."

"Ha, found you!"

Drake POV

The small human carrage is easily stopped and the guards easily dealt with. Now, for the fun part. I dismount and kneel beside the carraige peeking inside. The King meets my eyes and I can see the fear creeping onto his ageing face but he is not who Im here for. I slowly shift my gaze over to the far corner wher Lord Dering is guarding a terrified and shaking Sophia begind him.

"Why hello my darling Sophia."

"Back off giant!" Clay spits, drawing his sword which is nothing but a mere toothpick to me.

"Calm down tiny Im not going to hurt you.... well, as long as you hand over what I want."

I watch Sophia go pale. A familiar feeling of guilt tugs at my gut but I ignore it and carefully pull open the carriage door without breaking it.

"I said back of beast."

That, is the last straw. I pluck the puny sword from his grasp and break it in half. All of the occupants eyes go wide as I easily pick the carraige up off the ground and shake them out into my open palm. Sophia tries to squirm away from me but I easily take her waist between my thumb and forefinger and I transfer Lord Dering and the King to Rikard.

"Hello Sophia." I chuckle, pinning her struggling form against my palm.

"P...Please Drake, p...please let go." She stutters, tears beginning to come to her eyes.

"Aww, don't cry darling, it will all be better once we get you home."

She sobs in reply as I place her in my pocket. She thrashes for but a moment before settling down and curling up in the corner of the pocket against my chest. How I missed this. Having her, my tiny Sophia curled up against me and her fate in my hands.

Clay POV

I struggle against Rikards hold, pounding my fists against his gloved hand. I watch as Prince Drake forces Sophia into his pocket and anger along with panic sets in.

"No, no! Not Sophia!" I shout, struggling even harder.

"Calm down small one, youre going to be in worse of a situation than she is."

I gulp, turning my attention to Drake's right hand man who currently has me in his hold.

"What do you mean giant?"

He chuckles, sending shivers up and down my spine. "I am telling you that you and your king will be kept as pets to a very close relative of Prince Drake's."

"And who may that be." I gulp not sure if I want to know the answer.

"Her name is..."

"Come Rikard, It is time to return home."

Drakes sudden interuption prevents me finding anymore of the nature of my soon to arrive fate nor the fate of my love Sophia.

(Time Skip)

Sophia POV

A sharp prod at my side forces me to wake up. I groan and rull over, pushing myself into a sitting position.

"Wha... where am I?" I stutter, my memory utterly foggy and jumbled.


The dark and rummbling voice sends my system into shock. Fear rushes through my system as I slowly look up. My eyes meeting Drake's dark green orbs.

"Welcome home Sophia."

I gulp and try to crawl backwards and instead fall awkwardly back onto my hands. He chuckles and reaches down, righting my posture and smoothing out my dress. His gentleness comes as surprise to me after the other few times I have been brought back. Even though the gentleness is nice, it still doesn't take the terror away from being back with Drake.

"This is not my home." I mumble, trying to stand.

"What was that?" Drake places his fingertip on my stomach and forcing me back against the bed.

"This is not my home!" I shout back, forgetting the repercussions of speaking out.

"I see youve forgotten what happens when you step out of line with me Sophia." He growls reaching his large hand towards my shaking form.

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