Chapter 28

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Drake POV

I toss the royal orb up and down as I wait. The gold etching catching the sunlight as it falls through the air. It has been exactly two weeks since I sent the letter. I am not worried though. Sure it was slightly unusual to wait this long for a royal letter but I expected it to be so. I just hope Sophia isn't getting too comfortable. I stand up and stride over to the window, the summer sunshine pouring into the room.

"My prince."

Rikard's voice surprises me, I hadn't even heard him enter.

"Do you bear news of Sophia?"

"No my prince."

"I beg your pardon." I turn to him.

He is dressed in full giant armor which, isnt unusual but, the fact that he is out of breath is.

"Not in letter form my Prince."

"Then pray tell me what news there is as I do not approve of the way you hold me in rediculouse suspence!" I say louder than inteneded.

"One of your cousins knights has been spotted on our border." He pants, leaning against the wall.

I storm over to my throne. The orb thrown to the floor and rolling off into a forgotten corner.

"So, he's chosen the fools decision, why did I ever think he wouldn't. Rikard!"

Rikard stands at attention, saluting.

"Gather your men and begin training."

"Yes my prince."

He turns to leave.

"Oh, and Rikard,"

"Yes my prince?"

"Prepare them to play dirty."

A smile spreads across Rikard's tired face.

"Yes my Prince." And he leaves with the sound of clinking armor.

I recline back in my throne, pulling my sword from its sheath. Excitement courses through me. Finally, a war that tests my skills. I always had a felling Ceius would start war. Afterall, he had been the one who greatly despised us for traficking humans. And, I don't even want to think of the fit he threw when he found out we were going to war with the humans after they rose up in defence.

I gently slide my thumb down the flat of the iron blade. I cant wait to use it and to feel the blade slicing through other giants instead of puny human knights.

Ceius POV

I know what a risk I am taking deciding to go to war but, what choice do I have. If I decide to not stand up, then Drake and his father will continue their ways of taking and selling humans. Just thinking of it makes me sick, especialy when I look at the beautiful Sophia fast asleep next to me. I roll over so that I am looking at her sleeping form. Since she has been here I found myself falling harder and harder for her. So, when I recieved the letter there was no way that I would ever turn her over without a fight. I roll back onto my back and stare up at the dark purple canopy of my bed, pondering my plans for the next day.

So far, I have kept the letter and impending war a secret from Sophia. I don't want her to consider her fault nor do I want her to know the other reasons behind the previouse war. I can't immagine the pain she would feel knowing that her fellow humans were smuggled from their homes and sold as pets to the highest paying giant. The only reason I have human servants is because I dind't want them to meet the same fate as so many of their fellows did, and if I win this war, I will never let it happen again.

If I win the war. What a terrifying fraze. I try to not think of the stress of it. I close my tired eyes and force myself to go to sleep and try to empty my racing mind.

Sophia POV

I quickly force myself up, my breath comming out in ragged huffs. The nightmare had seemed so real. I gulp remembering the terrifiying feeling. Ugh, I rub my eyes, trying to remove the sleepiness from them. Slowly, I stand and make my way across the dark bed and over to the nightstand. On the other side of the bed, Ceius is fast asleep. I softly pad across the wooden table, careful to not wake him. The small ladder attached to the side creaks ever so slightly though I am happy to be on the floor where my movement is almost silent.

It is so nice to be able to explore and to walk freely arround some locations in the castle. Not to mention, being able to speak to other humans. So far I have made a few friends, but surprsingly, my closest is Ceius.

I look back over to the bed and can just barely make out the mountanouse form of the sleeping King Ceius. A soft laugh escapes my throat. Ceius is so utterly different from Drake. He is kind for the sake of being kind, treats me more or less as an equal, and respects my space. Infact, I almost think I am beginning to have feelings for him.

A yawn suddenly escapes from my throat and I realize how tired I truly am. I gaze at the ladder, not wanting to make the semmingly never ending climb up. Luckily, I don't have to.

"What are you doing down there Sophia?" Ceius gently lifts me up and sets me on his chest.

I wobble, trying to get my balance. He allows me to use his finger to steady myself before drawing it away.

"Sorry, I didn't think I was tired and I wanted something to do." I say softly.

He yawns and smiles, stroking my side gently. "You don't have to be sorry but I know for a fact that you are tired."

I knod and give him a small smile. I carefully make my way over to Ceius's face and snuggle against him in the crook of his neck.

"I knew it."  He chuckles softly, pulling the covers up and over me.

"Yes you did." I yawn, my eyes closing and my body falling back into sleep.

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