Chapter 40

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Sophia POV

A subtle yet constant pounding in my head. I groan and stretch, trying to force my exhausted body to sit up.


Drakes voice invades my senses. I can tell he is trying to keep his voice quiet but, even with his best efforts, it reverberates through my entire body. I know that I have returned to normal.

"Sophia?" He repeats, softly stroking my side.

Even with his gentleness I refuse to open my eyes and allow the truth to seep in. I give a soft shake of my head, feeling the sudden absence of warmth signaling Drake pulling his hand away.

"Sophia, please."

His words hide a subtle sternness but I get the idea. Now my nerves begin to kick in. I gulp and slowly open my eyes, blinking in the strong sunlight.

I slowly move them about the room before allowing them to fall on a rather distraught looking Drake.

"How are you?" I say weakly, my voice tired and cracked.

"That's the first thing you say?" Drake suddenly snaps sharply causing me to jump.

Why did I have to make him angry. I gulp, terrified of whats to come next.

"You inquire about me instead of worrying for yourself?"

Huh? I watch in confusion as he moves closer before ultimately scooping me up and cuddling me to his chest.

"How ever did I end up with someone as wonderful and kind as you?" He says softly, his voice shaky as if on the brink of tears.

I shiver in his hold, not knowing what to say. Or, for that matter, what to do. So, I just sit there, allowing him to stroke my side. Its not as if I could do much though. Im exhausted and even breathing feels difficult.

"D...Drake?"I pipe up, trying to get his attention.

"Yes my Darling?"

"Are you alright." I can tell he's distraught and I want to help even at my small size.

"Yes," He chuckles. "Yes of course I am quite alright. But, are you?"

The question shouldn't surprise me yet it does.

"I am fine." I sigh, giving him a tired smile.

He rolls his eyes knowing my feelings or, at least, knowing them to an extent.

"Well then, I should probably allow you to get some more rest." He says softly, laying me on the pillow and kissing my head.

I get the hint and lay down my head, obediently closing my eyes and snuggling underneath the covers.

"Sleep well, my darling Sophia." Drake says softly before I hear the closing of a door.

One more thought goes through my head before I fall back into the clutches of sleep. So, I am once again yours.

Ceius POV

The shackles dig painfully into my wrists and ankles. The scent of mildew and rot continually bring me to the brink of vomiting. Even hours upon hours of hanging in this environment have not allowed me to get used to it. Curse Drake. I know it was foolish to come to this place but I had to see her again. Now I see though that it was more hurtful then helpful. Drake must of known what would happen when he had me watch the coronation from a distant balcony. He must have taken much pleasure in the shattering of my heart when Sophia rose to meet him. My heart throbs at the memory and anger seeps into my very core. I wonder, will he feel as smug when my army takes him by surprise on the morrow? I think not.

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