Chapter 24

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3 weeks later

Drake POV

I quietly step into the darkened room and gaze at Sophia's sleeping form on the pillow. Her tiny chest rises and falls and every now and then a soft sigh escapes her soft lips. I absentmindedly find myself running my finger down her side and she begins to stir.

"Mph. Drake?" She mumbles sleepily.

"Yep, Im right here."

She smiles and cuddles closer to me, her mouth formed into a sleepy smile. I roll my eyes and carefully lay down beside her, eventually moving her so that shes laying on top of my chest. 

"What were you doing?"

"Oh uh, nothing."

She sits bolt upright and rubs the sleep from her eyes. Confusion grips me as I take in her stern look.

"Don't lie to me."

I groan and gently pin her down with my pointer finger. She struggles but gives up quickly enough 

Its no use lying to her so, I might as well tell her the truth. "I was doing a quick scan of the corridor.

"Why." She pants still trying to work her way out of my hold.

"I was checking for your little friend."

"Oh." She says softly.

She stops struggling and her demeanor suddenly changes. I can tell that she still has feelings towards Sir Dering and it hurts and angers me beyond compare. I try not to let it show though as I scoop her up and carefully cradle her in my palms. She shivers slightly and tries to stand up but a soft shake sends her back onto her back. She gives me a slight glare but ultimately allows me to hold her close. 

I don't think I will ever get used to how small she is. I marvel at her minuscule frame curled up against my chest. Her tiny eyes fluttering open and closed and her small hands gripping my shirt fabric in itty bitty fists. I almost coo over her as she lets out a yawn and falls asleep once again against me. I want to fool myself that she cares for me but, I cant help but know that her love is in the hands of someone else.

Ugh, the anger once again swells up inside of me. I should have killed him when I had the chance. Now I am constantly worried that he'll show up and take my darling Sophia away from me. If I find him here again, it will take all the strength I have to hold myself back from killing him. If I did, my sweet little Sophia would never forgive me. I look back at my sweet little prize sleeping soundly atop my chest and I cant even imagine her in another arms. I don't even want her ladies maids to touch her. Why do I have to be so possessive of such a tiny, inferior, stupid... ly sweet, loving... ugh here I go again. Yes I like her and have some feelings for her but, Im a giant and after all, she is just a prize. My prize to be more exact, and no one else's. 

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. This entire thing has gotten me so stressed that sometimes, I cant even function unless Sophia is right with me. I cant even sleep anymore unless shes on my chest. She complains about it but, I don't want to tell her how important she is to me. I... I cant let her get any ideas. I yawn and stretch, exhaustion from a long day finally taking over.

"Mph." I stretch and open my eyes.

Sunlight streams in through the large tower window and falls over the room. Spring is finally starting. I smile and go to get up when I realize that the familiar weight on my chest, however small it may be, is gone.

No,no,no,no,no! I look around frantically for my little Sophia when a small tug on my shirt grabs my attention. There she is, looking wide eyed and frightened up at me. I pluck her up off the bed and hold her struggling form in front of my face.

"Where were you!?" I growl.

Sophia POV

His grip is almost rib cracking tight. I struggle with all my might against it but as, I've always known, its useless. He sounds so angry and I don't even know what I did. I mean yes, I had moved during the night to the pillow because I didn't like to be on his chest but that cant be that bad.

"Answer me Sophia!" He almost yells.

"I... I was asleep on the pillow." I whimper my head pounding painfully.

"How dare you move! I didn't give you permisson nor did I move you there myself!"

Fear courses through my veins. I haven't seen him this angry in at least two weeks or more.

"Possessive much?" The words tumble out before I can stop them.

"Ah, so it looks like I need to teach you a lesson." He growls with a evil smirk.

I freeze, fear numbing me to the bone. 

"P...please no." I beg tears brimming.

Gosh I hate being this pathetic. I used to be a princess. Armies of thousands would obey my commands and rivals would quiver before my power and here I am, stuck in the grip of a possessive giant begging to not be hurt.

"You should have thought of that before you talked back."

He quickly stands, sending me into a state of dizziness as he brings me over to my old resting place. The bird cage. He shoves me roughly inside and slams the little gate shut behind me. I fall to my hands and knees, getting pretty scraped up  in the process. A soft whimper escapes my lips as I notice blood beginning to drip from the scratches on my knees. I flip around and find drake glaring at me. I pull myself backwards till my back presses against the cold metal bars. Drake's eyes slowly move from my fearful eyes to my bleeding knees and his expression softens a bit. 

"We may be close Sophia, but remember that you are my prize."

And just like that my mind returns to the cold winter night that I was taken from my home and the day after where I was reminded that I was nothing more than an object to him. Here I was thinking that he actual cared for me to only be brutally reminded of how insignificant I really am to him. I feel a tear slide down my cheek and I hastily wipe it away not wanting to seem any weaker. Drake gives me one more sad look and turns his back to me. He disappears into his bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him.

 I have to get used to this. I have to because... because I am stuck with Drake for the... the rest of my life. I feel nauseous as this thought creeps into my mind. I will be with him till the day I die and that is almost too much to cope with. I pull my knees up and hug them close to my chest, burying my face and letting the tears pour.

Drake POV

Why does this relationship have to be such a roller coaster? I splash cold water onto my face trying to cool off the anger that's racing through my body. Why cant I control my anger? I mean, I hurt her. Yes, maybe just a little bit but I still hurt her. How long will it take to regain her trust. I lean against the wall and sigh in defeat, the adrenaline wearing off. She must hate me so much. I want to rush in there and apologize but I cant. I cant let her think that Im going soft. Its just so confusing and such a strange relationship that I have no clue how to handle. 

I sigh and quickly dry my hands and face before taking a deep breath and stepping back into the bedroom.

M heart breaks. Sophia is curled up and crying in the cage, her delicate body shaking with sobs. I... I did that. I want to rush over and comfort her but I know that Im the last one she wants to see. Im the last thing she needs, a giant with anger issues. I walk over to the bed and sprawl out on it waiting for her to stop and for the moment to begin rebuilding trust which, isn't going to be easy this time. She deserves better than me but I don't want to, no, I cant let her go. I... I need her.

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