Chapter 8

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Drake sits on his bed and gently removes Sophia's still form. She must have passed out in fear. Poor little human. He nudges her shoulder with his finger. She groans slightly. Her small body slowly rises and falls with each breath and her eyelids flutter slightly. He flips her over in his palm and pushes a thick lock of hair out of her face. She mumbles something to quiet for him to hear.
"Sophia?" He says softly.
      She stirs slightly and takes a deep breath.
"Come on, wake up Sophia." She sits up and gives a small shake of her head.
"Wha, what happened?" He gives a slight chuckle and runs his finger down her back. "Nothing. Everything's ok now."
"No it's not." She stands up and groans in pain.
"What?" A look of pure confusion crosses Drake's gigantic face.
"I'm still here with you!" She backs away from his hulking form but he runs into his raised fingers.
"Don't talk like that to me Sofia, I just saved your life you have no right." Drake growls as he glares at her small form.
"You call what you did saving my life?"
"Yes! If I hadn't stepped in you would have been dead by now!"
"Well, if you hadn't brought me here, I would be well, alive, and happy!" She screams. Drake growls and stand up suddenly causing Sophia to fall onto her back.
"Listen to me and listen well, you are mine and I can do whatever I want with you. You really should watch what you say." Sophia's eyes grow wide as he walks over to his desk where the food is waiting. "I think you need to cool off princess." He lifts a glass of wine and drops her in to the deep red liquid.

Sophia swims to the surface. She coughs and gasps for air but a shake off the glass sends a large red wave crashing over her. Her head breaks the surface once again and she tries to lift her self over the side of the glass. Too late.
"Nah uh ah. Not so fast princess." Sophia looks up at Drakes menacing green eyes and malicious smile. "I'm feeling thirsty." Sophia screams and tries to swim to the bottom of the glass but it's too late. She is pulled by the currant as Drake takes a big gulp.

Drake smiles and shuts his mouth. He can feel Sophia's tiny figure laying on his tung. She tastes surprisingly sweet. He gently lifts his tung and rubs the small girl against his upper pallet. She moves slightly but doesn't struggle. Drake knows she is beat and isn't going to try to escape. He peels the small girl off his tung and carries her into his bathroom where he sets her in his sink. Her minuscule form shivers as Drake pours water over her wine stained form.
"I told you, I was going to get creative." He smiles and tugs at her now stained dress.
"What are you doing you beast." She yells up at him. He laughs and flicks some water onto her.
"Well, you're dress is ruined and to get you properly clean we need to get it off of you." He gives another tug and Sophia glares up at him.
"Not if I can help it!" Drake smiles.
"Ok then." He lets the dress go and she flails backwards into the water. "But you can't help it."
      He pulls the sopping fabric over her head and tosses the tiny dress into the trash. He notices Sophia's face growing red with anger as she wraps a washcloth around her . "Poor little human, no way to stop her giant captor."

Drake plucks the tiny girl out of his sink and brings her over to his bed. Sophia pulls the washcloth tighter around herself after he sets her on his chest.
"You're a monster." She spits up at him.
"If I am, do you really think you should talk to me that way." She flinches and pulls the fabric even tighter around herself as he reaches his hand towards her. "Oh, don't be like that. Let me have just a little fun." Her eyes grow wide as his fingers get closer.

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