6~What? Are We Expecting Baby Number Two Now?

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Chapter six (Unedited)

Just after I took a shower to refresh myself from the sweat and dirt I had sat just earlier, Aubrey out of a sudden barged in with a demanding look as if she wanted me to spill out every story so I gave her a pointed look

"You aren't sleepy anymore?"

"Haha" she rolled her eyes at my stupid question before she pulled me down and sat comfortably in the bed. Her eyes openly stare at my still wet hair towards my body. For a moment I saw concern before she looked back at me with a frown

"Isn't it bad to run while you're pregnant?"

I shrugged. I might have to look at up myself too "I don't know but don't worry we didn't run we went hiking uphill"

"You stupid- isn't that worst? are even aloud to do excessive activities?"

Yeah I'm not really sure about that too.....

Seeing my blank stare, Aubrey gave me a disappointing look as she gathered up a pillow before hitting me softly- still it may have hurt when it landed directly at my face

"The hell Sally, I may not know anything about babies and stuff but you need to get your head straight and think if its okay for your body and the baby" I could see the anger in her eyes and I - guiltily look down knowing she's right. I was reckless and pretty much I could have risk a life that was about to be born months after. Although I may be exaggerating. I knew it was important to be cautious

And this is why I'm too dumb to be an adult

"Sally" Aubrey warned with a threatening glare "You're body is now your priority- your kid is your only priority, nothing else"

I meekly nod, sighing as I also felt the disappointment in me. I might as well get to know with this department then

"It's just.... I dont know" I looked down as if I felt like I was slowly losing the things I wanted to do for the sake of a child. The child I was actually carrying "I don't know anymore" I mean knowing you're about to be a mother made my go haywire "I don't even know what to do with it- if I should keep it or...." I gulped "or maybe find a couple who may want it"

Aubrey didn't reply after as she stared at me. I knew she could see the battle inside of me and how much I- Sally Caverly was not ready for this kind of world

"You need a check up with a doctor, alright?" Aubrey smooths out her skirt which made me smile sadly

"You're like my mom" I joked despite not knowing what its like to have mother, I knew It was too late to have one when I'm beginning to be one too. And Clearly Pearls was no mother and she could never be one to me especially with the slight age difference

How could a twenty three year old woman know about motherhood when all Pearls do is shop and cuddle her tiny little chihuahua. She said it herself about a four months ago when we had a family dinner. Seeing the distastes on her face when I joked about them having a little sister for me. So to say Pearl never looked at me the same again

Aubrey who saw my reaction then hugged me tightly. She knew how much I also wanted a mother to comb my hair when I could barely care about it when I five. A woman who'd remind me about my schedule for the dentist, my ballet session and school activities. You could say I have encountered so much disappointment at a very young age when no one would even go to my ballet recital nor graduation- Not even my father who barely stays at home anymore

It was hard doing things by yourself

I'm not sure why I haven't been used to being disappointed though

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