25~ Call Me The Salmon Detector

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Chapter Twenty Five (Unedited)

Christopher's POV

Eight years Ago

They were screaming. Glass shattering and my heart erratically beating. Head hunch below the table as my fingers slowly played with the broken wood of my chair. I had the music on just as loud as Carl had instructed me. As his promise, he had his hand holding my back supporting my body as it shook in fear. And while he held me in a safe embrace- Cyrus had yelled once again as we jumped out of fright when a sound a gun had risen through the room. Carl's hand had frozen once again as we were greeted with a long and quiet silence

Bang. Bang. Bang

"Christopher" A hand reached out and out of instinct, I jumped but all I saw was the eyes of the boy I couldn't look. Damien's head were low just as his eyes were rimmed with dark circles. He had been tired just as everyone was . And I was the sole reason for it.

"You need rest man, Go back home. Your brother is probably looking for you" he pulled my shoulder in comfort despite a week ago- we had stopped talking

I shook my head "Cyrus wouldn't care" he never will. I was better off on the roads begging than be begging for him. As I continued to stare at nothing particular, Damien sighed in exhaustion before he sat beside me in their living room. The silence was defining as we continued not to talk. Andy wasn't here and i liked it that way because I didn't know what would happen knowing today was the day Salmon was coming back home.

"Do you think she'd want to see me?" I hesitantly asked and while I saw his eyes cloud in doubt, I knew he wasn't sure either but as a few seconds rolled in, he finally shrugged and gave me a pat

"She'll probably forgive you, since this is Sally" he stated before walking off to the kitchen. Leaving me in thought

Because I knew Damien was taking salmon's kindness for granted. She may be forgiving- but I wasn't sure she'd give in too easily to forgive until we'd really earn it

That's what I really thought. But the second my eyes found her when she finally came. Anger was not there. It was never there. She wasn't mad nor scared of me- instead she smiled weakly

One two three

And then it was gone and soon was replaced with nothing but hollowed eyes

She was different

Things were different and soon after- the three of us had become friends again Though things were a bit stiff and heavy. As much as I want to brag about how close we three are, Id probably be lying because the more we talked the more we grew farther

And that was until Andy came to the conclusion that he did grow such small feelings for little Salmon. The same feelings I had turned my back on before he ever saw Salmon as a girl

We were there. Darkened lights lit the room and it was just the three of us. Our heads stuck on a video game Damien had been obsessed with before Salmon came in. She was wearing a dress again


Somehow my lips began to quirk up at the design before they slowly vanished when she smiled at Damien

It was never me

And I believe it will never be

I stared at her again as her foot padded towards him with that shy smile. The trauma on her eyes were long gone but the effect was there. Bind head, scars and purple bruise on her knees and the way her body got smaller

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