20~ When The Eyes See Something We Shouldn't

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Chapter twenty (unedited)

Without realizing it, days flew by like the wind. Things were still heavy and weird for everyone except for Damien who remained oblivious since Chris thought it wasn't the best of time to give everyone the word and so I agreed to it. But things are different though. Chris he, well- let's just say he was discreetly helping me. He willingly helped aubrey with the food I eat and tends to help me when I feel tired. And hell it was confusing

When Chris had stated that my child was better off fatherless, I didn't think he'd lend a hand over the pregnancy part-and although he did say that, I was still shock. Still don't know how to react about this

Yesterday, I had taken two fast food meals for lunch and dinner- let's just say I was banned to eat anything else other then organic foods with fruits in them. It's irritating, having Aubrey as your nutritionist and adding another stupid one in the game for it had been the worst. But late that night, I cried. I wasn't sure why but it had been related to food. I told Chris about it and surprisingly, He silently left only to come back with a Bag of McDonalds

Yeah I know. Weird.

And then Monday flew in. I had my first day in Aubrey's cafe where I met her employees. They were really lovely. Anastasia, a mother of four kids was mainly the employee who was seriously in and working twenty four hour. There was Tucker, bubbly man he is. He was around his late twenties who also like standing in Anastasia's side since he was also her son. Technically Tucker's only job is this since he basically dropped off college after his last year and decidedly just stop. For years he had fought to find a decent job that could pay him a better living with his mom but then it's  unfortunate when every single work he had chosen tossed him off because he was unable to graduate  his four year course. Yeah, he actually gave me his life story at my first day

And then theirs Curby, the youngest and only working student in the shop. He was a year younger then me who still hadn't succeeded the phase of cuteness. Yeah, he was absolutely innocent looking with the glasses and the barely there freckles. Although he had a piercing on one ear, it still doesn't change the fact that this curly haired dude was in fact a huge blusher

Other then the three of them, I couldn't really remember the others since I don't usually have my shifts with them. In fact, it took a week for me to fully remember their names without forgetting and about half of the day, I finally understood the game of being a waitress. Of course, Aubrey held onto her promise about me giving the orders while Curby takes them. To be honest, we make a pretty good team

Him with his cute dimpled cheek that makes teenage little girls giggle, and to the adults who find him sweet for his gentleman ways. Yeah, he was definitely gonna be a woman magnet when he hit his twenties

"Order up for table six"

With a nod, I began to pick up the tray that consisted of five coffees and a Shake. I gently slid and walked by the set of tables where I found a group of teenagers, sitting idly around as they laugh at the girls joke. They looked older than me, it was clear they were college students who one of them had the sticker of a university just down the city. I silently smiled when I was in their table before placing their orders one by one. As I slip every cup in each other's front, I couldn't help but notice the way the last guy had gave me a look. I mean- it was too noticeable with his constant shuffling and the way he tried to get my attention as he played with his fingers in front of my view. He even had the decency to wink at me

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