34~ Help Me

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Chapter Thirty Four (unedited)

My Eyes adjusted to the newly brighten room only for them to widen at the sight I saw

"Oh my god"

There were too many. I may be dumb but I wasnt dumb enough to know that boxes that lay in front of me where no ordinary boxes. No they were taped in duct tapes. Papers lay piled in a table on the left side while there were probably a hundred or probably more stacked from layers

I knew they were drugs

"What have you got yourself into Chris" I whispered in disbelief. I thought he was some sort of mafia but a fudging Drug trafficker?! This was too much. The thought of  Chris taking part of an illegal transaction made my blood go cold and it wasn't the only thing that got me horrified. Because Not less than three feet away from me was a wooden cabinet filled with guns

'I need to leave' I thought in anguish. Clearly I didn't know Chris as I thought I did. I knew he had some difficulties in his life but I didn't think he'd go far as to be selling drugs

As my heart picked up up the pace, I dashes but stopped at the sight of the cloth. The cloth that had been stuck in the wall. It was suit clearly dirty with brown spots—

Wait is that blood?

Now I was beyond terrified. My head was swimming with ideas and possibilities that I didn't realize the pain on my abdomen. Flinching, I began to rub my belly just as what my doctor had instructed. If the belly was itchy, rub it. If I had some discomfort, try doing some relaxation technique and it did work with the baby. It calmed him but the pain would come not long after minutes.

I couldn't stay here— not when I just witnessed Chris' secret. Was this why he couldn't tell me? Why they said he was a dangerous man? I couldn't keep up with my thoughts about Chris— I never expected it, I mean he had been jolly and reckless

Making up my mind, I hastily discarded the shattered glass, cleaning the mess before mentally apologizing Chris' mom for breaking her picture frame. I could buy another frame for him but right now I wanted to leave

I didn't know how long it took me to dash out of the building but not before giving the receptionist (good thing she was still there) a glare before storming off to Damiens place. I hailed a cab in the busy street but was lucky enough when one was empty

Long gone was the ache in my heart which was only replace with sheer fear. Fear of Chris and his capabilities. Chris had been discreet with himself that I felt so dumb that I didn't connect the lines together. It had took almost an hour for me to finally reach my destination. Damiens building was indeed a bit higher and more grand but I wasn't really able to appreciate the landscape before I heard some one clear their throat. Looking back down, I found myself staring at a pudgy man. His hair graying with a few lines in his eyes but what made me smile was his welcoming gaze

"I presume you are Miss. Caverly?" He scrutinized my attire before stopping at my round belly. He looked surprised before he gave an awkward cough "Mr. Caverly had notified that his sister was coming— he provided a picture of you.... I-I was just not aware that you are..."

"Pregnant" I mused. I wanted to smile at the old man, but my head was getting heavier as if I could feel a new headache coming

The man only blushed before nodding

"Right, I apologize for my rudeness"

I only shook my head off, not really insulted with his forwardness before I gave a soft smile "it's fine, but I was hoping I could get in cause I feel a bit light headed— being pregnant and all" I joked lightly. That only set the man to stand a bit straighter before nodding vigorously "of course Miss. Caverly. Please follow me

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