13~A Visit From The Past

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Chapter Thirteen (unedited)

****not proofread****

"You should've left him alone"

"And let him off so easily? I could barely get a touch from you before you turn into a derange murderer"

"Well I slapped him"

"Slapped Sally. A damn slap and I get a punched in the nose like four times" Chris huffed before he sat on the passengers seat in irritation " you damn woman"

We were now in the car, Andy had took the steering wheel with a crying Giselle while both Chris and I stayed on the backseat where I tried to inspect if Chris has a concussion

You see it became a blood bath when Chris took the dirty punch at the kid. In fact, he took multiple hits that the kid rendered unconscious on the floor. I thought he was about to die and the shock of seeing them on the floof while Chris threw a rampage made me so stiff that I couldn't even move. It was the moment I saw too much blood I cold barely think straight

The red ooze made me dizzy to the fact that memories began to sizzle through my mind. Instead of the kid I found myself on my own pool of blood. The way my body floated as I was in the ocean ready to let my dreams carry me but the distinct callings were demanding me to open my eyes

I couldn't hear them

Just as I couldn't hear Andy shaking me in worry, Gisele stood screaming with tears in her eyes at the scene in front of us. When Andy couldn't get me back to reality, he decided to leave me and took a hold of a raging Chris who spat foul profanities to the kid. But things didn't end like that though

His group of friends began to beat the crap out of Andy and Chris. With their number of bodies, both guys took a great beating and that only worsen my case when I began to get those panic attacks- those things that I haven't experience since I was fourteen. It was then a good thing that people stopped the Fight and Chris didn't hesitate to help me

Because Chris knew well why I was panicking in pain

He knew it too well

Chris began to hush me. he directed my breathing just like old times with my brother and Andy. They helped me breath again and I was grateful they were here

Turns out, the date was a failure, Giselle seemed to extend her hate for me when her boyfriend wouldn't look at her because he was too busy worrying over my health, Andy was too preoccupied to even understand that I was already fine and Chris? Well he was seething and that I could do right now was talk him out from attempt murder

"Seriously Chris, that was a stupid move. I think that guy is a minor"

"He looked older than me Andy" I stated. So it was a good thing he wasn't cause if he was then Chris would get more than a beating from the judge and his parents

Beside me, Chris snorts "who fucking cares about minorities, kid or not he deserves a lot more if he can't treat a woman like a man. Pússy"

Andy didn't reply but a grumble of a curse. He warns chris  once again about hitting people but Chris didn't budge. He kept on stating that he wasn't at fault for hitting the kid who would touch a woman without her consent

Although I remained gloomy and weak from the attack, I was slightly happy- as sadistic as it sounds, I was actually please he punched the guy. I mean I wasn't even sure what would happen if I got myself involved in such crime

It wasn't even good for the baby

Instinctively, my hand reached out to touch my stomach and without thinking I began to rub myself with it. Without realizing it, Chris watched me with curiosity until a smiled began to play on his lips

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