33~ Unknown Emotion

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Chapter Thirty Three (unedited)

He was at it again

The only thing that has kept me from bolting out of my plan was the urge to see Chris but the timing had been impeccable because the moment I stood just outside the grand hotel lurking around the side walk while contemplating on my next move—was the fact that little Chris was beginning to kick once again and the dull pain on my abdomen was irksome, that I found myself rubbing my big belly as much then I tended to—well try to discreetly especially the embarrassment I felt of having people stare at me like they've never seen a pregnant woman before.

Not much of a discreet entrance to be in New York to be honest. While juggling with the huge belly and a small bag on the other was not as tiring as I thought it would be but it was the huge hat and large glasses was what had raised a lot of people eyebrows. Sure, they'd probably been thinking on how the hell would A pregnant woman like her in her eighth month still be this active and traveling— well hormones, thats what they are. It has kept me from traveling alone with the help of two strangers of course who were willing to help a poor pregnant woman in a hurry to get home due to an accident that may required a grand story of my 'husband' being in an accident and is the only family I got; that got the couple to help me with my needs before we departed with gratitude in the airport. Lovely people.

Standing here was now a difficult task— I was now brooding the next plan cause clearly, the receptionists would have to call Chris' attention about a pregnant woman looking for him and in my case, Chris doesn't know that I decided to come to New York in the heaps of wanting to talk and— because I missed him

It had been days when I met his brother, and hopefully the address he did give was in fact true cause god knows the mortification if Chris did ever relocate throughout those years and she would only look like a fool in a grand hotel especially

It wasn't much of a labor to be honest, I enjoyed flights just as I had took the time to coaxed the people that I was still able to ride planes and I wasnt far too gone on my thirty first week so that was good

But that thought still hung on my mind, was what Chris would think when he realized I had followed him here when the last time, he had up and left without an actual goodbye. That itself hurt and it pissed me off knowing I at least deserve an explanation and not just for him to go AWOL. I had Andy and my brother to answer my call with his whereabouts but Damien was deemed to be in a tight schedule with is business trips while Andy— he was plain cruel for not answering much of her call and when he does, he would avoid answering any type of questions that relates to Chris

That itself was fishy as hell

While my head was in turmoil, it gave me the time to ready myself— and when I found my plan organized— I walked in with my head held high. People stared of course, the belly had been a plus for my lack of unobtrusive state but so far I was the only one in the room with a gigantic fat hat that left half of my face hidden

The receptionist—as pretty she was, stared in curiosity at me while she gave my outfit a once over— clearly disagreeing with my fashion sense, but who really cares when I long have discarded to thought of wanting to look pretty

I was in for finding Chris only

Slowly taking the shady glasses off, I gave the woman a dazzling smile of my own before I stated in a low voice "good day, I'm here for Christopher Moreau?"

This time, the women didn't even cover up her frown when she stared at me with a raised eyebrow. This chit was literally judging me! Not wanting to know what sort of thoughts that was playing in her mind about me, I gave her a stiff smile

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