36~ I am Happy

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Chapter Thirty Six (unedited)

Chris' POV

I grimaced once again when the needle was plunged back in my skin, slightly tugging before the wound was neatly stitched

And despite the pain, my head felt too light with everything that happened

"Alright and you're good to go"

Nodding, I absently pushed my shirt down before walking towards the hallway. My footsteps echoing through the hospital floor while the place lay empty. With my body protesting with my every move I make and from the lack of sleep and all the body slams that I went through with the fight, sleep just wouldn't come. Had I went through shít as if I had been hit by a bulldozer, my body still ached everywhere yet that wasn't what kept my mind preoccupied.

Before I could stop myself, My eyes strayed towards the Delivery room, waiting.

It has been nine hours since we got to the hospital. Nine long hours where she lay in a hospital bed resting, probably exhausted from everything that just happened today plus an added activity that had been unexpected to the both of us

Checkers, had been early for labor. Quite a revelation to be honest; just remembering looking at her shock state, her hair disheveled as she looked at me with those damn round beautiful eyes of hers as a blush took over her once pale cheeks

And my stupid aśś thought she peed herself when I saw a puddle between her legs

Now here, I stood outside waiting while she rested in the recovery room. It had been hectic that I somehow missed the delivery. We werent even allowed to go in— plus I didn't think she would want me there anyway so I took the time to handle all the mess before wrapping everything up.

Jonathan Lumber, Saint had been caught.

A sigh left my lips before closing my eyes at the thought

My case with him was coming to its end and I guess the whole years of undercover had payed off. I just didn't think It would have took a long ass time for it.

Suddenly, a rough hand rested on my shoulder. Looking up, my eyes found Curt with a small smile in his old face

"I'd say this is a double congratulations for you"

Smiling, I chuckled lazily "thanks"

"Did you greet her?"

I shook my head.

The doctors had been kind enough to explain to me her status. Despite not being related to her, I introduced myself as the father of the child. It was also then I had contacted her family and explained what took place hours ago and why Salmon is in the hospital. I would say I had to break it down to them especially when I didn't know what could happen when she went into labor, I thought they deserve to know if a problem would have arise throughout the process. Mr. Caverly had been an easy task, probably because he had been so calm throughout the call; Damien on the other hand had gone silent when I explained her predicament about her being kidnapped in his place and that she was now in the hospital delivering his nephew. He had a given a quick and short reply that he was taking the first flight to get here then ended the call without even a goodbye

Yeah, I knew I was fúcked

"Did you at least see your child?" Curt probe with annoyance in his face "kid, did you at least give her some support?"

This time, I didn't give a reply which gave Curt the time to curse me

"The hell is wrong with you?! You're here sulking outside while she's in there probably afraid and has no one to talk to"

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