7~ I know What Happened

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Chapter Seven

"Nothing happened" I said for the sixth time

Aubrey who sat on her mat hummed like she didn't believe the very same statement I continuously said out of annoyance


"Do you really think I would believe that crap you're spewing? I've seen the chemistry between you guys and trust me, it must be as big as his d-"


Aubrey seemed amuse and rightly, she was having too much fun. So much for being the best friend....

"I-I like your brother remember?" I muttered with my eyes cast down. The harassment and memory of what happened minutes ago still burned into my mind and somehow I couldn't shake the memory off my brain. Gosh what in the right mind would openly give herself to the man you're in love with's best friend?!

I feel so cheap right now....

"Damn I want your brother so much Brey! No amount of Chris's hotness can ruin that!"

"So you think he's hot?" Her head turned to looked at me before slowly giving me a grin as if something dirty just pass through the perverted mind of hers " Tell me" She scooted closer where her mouth was just above me ear. I froze when I realize this was too familiar, How Aubrey's breath made me imagine Chris instead "Is he good in bed?"

I hit her hard

"Stop it" I narrowed my eyes when Aubrey only laughed her butt off as if she just found my life funny. Tears are streaming down and I knew I must have shivered when I felt the very heat of a persons breath. How could one action be engraved to my mind believing only Chris could do it so suddenly. It was like I was going to have a heart attack

"Oh my god you actually shivered" She spat out laughing uncontrollably. Her laughter never die down which upgraded her beautiful laughter into a relentless snorting "What? are you lesbian now?" She said smiling

"Brey, I cant even come close to touching myself- how do expect me to touch other people?"

"Whatever" She rolled her eyes smiling "Too bad though- we could have been the lesbian group by now" Her grin never faltered as she sat back down on her place before stretching like a kitten. Aubrey who wore an aqua colored two piece bikini (which may look good in her if I may add) may have brought unwanted lookers as they stared at her like she was the goddess herself. I mean Aubrey's fair skin made her angelic and even if she did have a tan, being fair may look actually better on her

"You're Bi remember" I smiled when all she did was stuck her tongue out before replying in a sultry tone "I believe seventy percent of my gate of heaven opens up for women while the other percent accepts men too... you know"

"I really dont want to know that" I shuddered- disgusted at what she said before I stood, dusting off the remaining sand that attached itself from my sweaty body

"Where are you going? Getting another good time with Chris again?"

"Seriously Aubrey. You're jokes are beginning to sound boring" I sighed "I'm gonna give some drinks for the guys before buying some ice cream, you wanna come?" Aubrey shook her head. I walked towards the cooler we brought and took two beers knowing Chris wouldn't be with them before walking away but I did hear an unmistakable voice of her scream when I was a good meter away from her

"Fuck him hard!!"

Oh god....

As I walked around aimlessly for my brother and Andy, My eyes suddenly spotted them. I mean it wasn't that hard when they sported a good height around six foot while I unfortunately took the height of my mother- according to what my father had told me before. I was practically a midget in this place where I stood tall around five foot two. What's Interesting  is when everyone around me stood above five foot seven. Aubrey was much taller but her height fit everyone else and that brought me to be the shortest in our group. Unfortunate, I know

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