35~ Criminals

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Chapter Thirty Five (unedited)

It was too cold. My body shook, trying to rub every inch of my skin just to get a friction of heat but unfortunately, the floor did no justice with its freezing metal nor did the puddle against my feet

I was shaking and terrified while locked in a small little room with no windows or anything that made it look like a room

I'm stuck in a fúcking box

I could still remember as if it had replayed in my head like a trauma ready to shake me to the core and it only made me hysterical just thinking of the burly man who finally slammed the door open. His fist ready to attack before he realized I had someone on the phone. He looked panicked, and before Chris could utter another word, his fist had slammed against my head in a matter of seconds before I lost conscious. I don't know how long I stayed in this hell hole other than to realize that the sun has probably rose— but It was a good of a guess because all I had in this room was a light bulb hanging with an unstable little rope to sustain it— by far, I feel lucky the light hasn't died yet with the amount it had flickered uncontrollably, rendering me petrified of the dark

I wasn't claustrophobic, but having to be in a closet-sized room made it feel stuffy and difficult to breath.

I just don't even understand what they want from me

Suddenly I shuddered out of the prickling cold before I froze completely when I heard shuffling. In panic, I held my breath— ready to fight off if that big  man would attack me again only this time, when the door began to make a sound of protest, a little maid opened the door with her head bowed down.

She had on a flimsy uniform like a weird maid costume for halloween, the skirts were even too short that I could see her knickers just by sitting down

"Get out" she muttered, her head still bowed down with her eyes trained at the floor

"Where am I?" I croaked— I didn't even realize my throat hurt because of the screaming  That took place hours ago

"I said get out. Master has summoned you"

"What—" now confused, I didn't get the time to think before the woman huffed in annoyance and to my shock— the woman didn't hesitate to grab my arm before she hauled me out of the little room. I couldn't help but yelp when another wave of pain hit me in the abdomen. I hated this pre contractions which brought me to grimaced when it dissapeared for minutes again. Holding on to my belly, I placed all my strength to hold my feet down. That little wench didnt even help me

With a groan, I held on to the nearest furniture which had been a table. Looking back, now I realize I had been placed in a secret room— a room similar to Chris' but this— this was  more of a cold and scarier scenery of a cell and so much located in a basement

An old and  crusted basement with nothing but old things plastered everywhere. When the maid moved towards the ascending stairs, I began to follow. Her eyes had momentarily sought mine to see if I was following and when
she was satisfied that I did, she began to climb upstairs

"Look— I dont know whats happening. Please, there must be a mistake. I don—"
My voice faltered when we reached a living room. It was then I realize the extent of how galmourous the place was. Marbled floors golden sculptures, glass windows that gave a scenery of a forest. If I didnt know better, I knew I was standing in a mansion. A big one

I stared hard at the connected building that made the house look never ending. The place is massive

That only made me trickle in fear

"Please just let me go-"

"Ah I see our guest has awaken"

Visibly shaken, my head turned towards the source of voice, but my stomach plummeted down before I could see him

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