31~ To Mend The Broken Bond

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Chapter Thirty One (unedited)


Aimlessly I watched with hooded eye as I stared into my now plumb and swelled up toes, twiddling them as they turned out to be just as how I didn't expect it to be.


"Its been months— and as of today, today marks my thirty first week. My body as I expected, is wider then I anticipated but I guess i'll have to work with that" irritatedly, I lightly scratched the bulging mountain while tracing my eyes at the dark line marks that has now spanned over the areas of my abdomen. The line as Aubrey has stated, the linea nigra was indeed deeply etched as it casts down vertically and was irksome to stare at

My hands were still fiddling over my phone as I tried searching for something to say. Anything— just anything to keep going. To keep it long.

"I- I still don't have a name to give" I rasp, uncertain before adding "I hope... I hope to hear you give some names for me to choose" and there it was. The urge to cry. The pain deeply embedded in my chest began to spark annoyingly

"Just anything Chris" I whispered before closing my phone with a sigh. The weeks has done nothing but continue its course of time and I— I continued growing. The days passed by and as weeks turned into months, I found myself already heavy at the eighth. I no longer held the grace of walking but rather, I waddled. Can you believe it. Old etiquette raised Sally waddles now

What as sight people would find amusing

But I guess this was better then being at home; exposed to the public where anyone and everyone could just get the jeez out of the household. But no, I was safe. I am safe in this small little cottage

I was just away from the public humility

"Alright dear time to lay on you sides" nanny Luce cooed with that motherly smile of hers. She slowly eased my back while lowering my legs down in the bed before placing me on my left side. Putting a pillow just around my hip for support before giving my hair a caress

Luce. She was here. She wouldn't leave me

I wasn't alone

I mean thats all I ever felt for the last months ever since everyone was now back on their daily lives. As informed before, Andy and Damien were now back in New York and that includes Chris. He had been long gone after my fathers wedding. Just the night after we made love and held arms. It was like he just disappeared without even a goodbye. I wanted to hold him and just talk. I mean I thought things had turned good, great actually— with how happy I felt during those pass times. I knew Chris cared for me— that was evident with how we were before but that didn't ease my mind over the fact that we never got to talk if he had a change of mind; if he wanted to be apart of our lives or he would continue being a supporter

I was in conflict. Because it wasn't just me involved anymore but my emotions and the things that I felt for him

And my son

"Would you like anything to drink dear?" Luce said with a smile "I'm making some cocos for the children"

"Yeah, Id want one too with some extra marshmall—oh oh oh! He kicked! Luce he kicked" i squealed when I felt another round of pressure. The foot marking its way on my skin before vanishing once more "oh gosh wait till I tell Chris—" I froze mid sentence

Luce, the lovely angel only gave a sad smile of sympathy, her wrinkles forming in a loose line before she sighed and left the room

I was getting obsessed

Yeah that was probably it. He was too much of a load in my mind. It was too difficult to have him in ever part of my brain

You're not his Sally

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